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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. Better stop this guy he is number one on my keys to game!
  2. Yeah Rhule’s right don’t blame OC blame him because he’s the coach. He needs to take responsibility and quit playing scared. So tired of this let’s just get by with a win, let’s destroy someone when we have them down.
  3. Good thing he isn’t on fox, I would definitely agree if he was though, it would be a loss for sure!
  4. Maybe someone will believe me one day Lamar is not that great, he won’t never win a SB!
  5. Yeah I said in another thread I know it was Jets but we probably had the best defensive performance by far yesterday than any other team. I would put Cardinals and Steelers up there as well tough teams they beat on the road.
  6. Yeah wow I was at the game and I was like how in the hell u screw that up. Then here comes Robby Anderson running by as they’re waiting. Damn then they left the video on to show everyone how bad it was lol.
  7. Except for that 4th down call and that play that left Davis wide open for a td this might have been defense in the league yesterday. Look at stats we really made a lot of plays.
  8. No sympathy for that guy after he told us to get the f$ck off their field!
  9. I’m trying to figure out how Charlton was not in walk of shame, I mean he was so terrible. I mean I know our line would be there every week but I think he should have been at the top. Shanked punts and just couldn’t pin them back. That’s why I was more upset we didn’t go for it on the 33, after his god awful punt. Also add Ian Thomas I mean every catch is a bobble or a drop, can’t believe we didn’t just cut and save 2 mil. Damn
  10. Could’ve, Would’ve, should’ve doesn’t matter we played like crap against probably worst team in league.
  11. Yeah I always thought it was a certain coach but can’t blame that on just one it’s just Panthers. Or should I say cardiac cats!
  12. 0%, based off our game against the Jets today imo.
  13. Yeah right lol. Did u see what they did to Packers?
  14. Why do you ask so many dumb questions?
  15. Yeah I just got tickets this year I haven’t seen anything like that?
  16. Pretty upset I want us to become a team that is unbeatable at home. If we can start winning all of our games at home and still a couple on the road we will start being a consistent playoff team. U have m to win these home games!
  17. Well I know this won’t make it sound much better but he only lost 5 or those. I wish could have a great punt return team one day.
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