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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. Sean Payton trying to be funny goober muncher!
  2. It wasn’t only done during pre-game. It usually came up on big screen to get people yelling when the team needed a boost.
  3. Don’t worry soccer is on the way yay. just joking don’t care about soccer!
  4. I saw it 1 playing against Jets previous 17 playing with Jets. Hope we see more of those but not ready to go there yet.
  5. No I meant we have one but it was given to the Broncos because of Manning I was counting it lol!
  6. Gettleman was no better than Hurney he sucked just as much. Should have never cut Steve Smith either, what a dumbass.
  7. Saints ain’t scoring 30 points, hell if that dline plays like I think the will, they won’t score over 20. Winston will make mistakes.
  8. Saints been in the league 54 years, 7 division titles, 10 playoff wins(13 loses/chokes), 1 SB(thanks to Katrina). Panthers in the league 26 years 6 division titles, 9 playoff wins, 1 SB(given to Peyton Manning to ride off into the sunset). Lol we’ve done what y’all have in half the time! Your not winning this argument bud.
  9. I can’t stop laughing Packers defense is better than ours!
  10. I’m still pissed we didn’t put black endzones back, I think it looks terrible with green endzones. I am glad they changed the all blue letters in the end zone though.
  11. Yeah and Charlton had a terrible game he was terrible the whole game.
  12. Wow the kicks I mean hits keep on coming!
  13. Hell yeah they playing real life fantasy football.
  14. Yeah after Saints lose half of their team and Sean Payton has to play qb.
  15. Up to 8 people. 6 offensive coaches, one nutritionist, and one player now
  16. Yeah that’s what I was wondering he came back and played. I thought I read he would probably play with cast, that’s why I was like they ruled him out.
  17. No I want the game to be played just would be so funny to be the Saints to have to forfeit.
  18. I just read that, I want to play the game but it would be funny to see them forfeit. Lol
  19. Oh yeah I already thought of that, was like watch them let Saints go u defeated!
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