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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. So going by this if I was a man nfl team I would go Pickett honestly
  2. Would love to see them get Ingram
  3. I think people going to be disappointed because it won’t be Willis, we didn’t draft Fields so why u think Willis. I’m not going to be disappointed because I don’t want him, too risky!
  4. So I’m guessing 6 wins would be an improvement. Lol joke
  5. Damn so who’s backup and who is taking Darnolds contract? I don’t want this to happen coming off shoulder surgery and will have no time in new system. This would be a huge mistake!
  6. Smith signed with Vikings yesterday big contract. We won’t spend that much but I agree we need to get someone
  7. So who’s qb? I know u stated before no way Darnold is on this team this year. So who’s the starter and backup? Because PJ is just bench warming since Rhule was his coach at Temple.
  8. I hope there’s more guys we’re thinking about honestly. Still some really good players out there left
  9. Idk I have to ask Tepper, he don’t talk. Nothing he had done has made since imo
  10. Oh I agree I don’t Rhule nowhere near qb pick
  11. Lol I didn’t like Brady but don’t see how we can say he’s going to be better already. He doesn’t have a great track record so far, not seeing this going well imo
  12. We all knew this was a possibility, Tepper should have known that as well. I think it definitely gives him a pass which is why Tepper should have fired him and let the new coach pick his qb. But nothing Tepper has done for this team so far has made since. JS
  13. I see everyone say this about McAdoo is like a qb whisperer but why? Like who has he hand picked or worked with that make him this qb guru?
  14. I’m on the Corral train, I think he’s very intriguing and I think we could trade back and acquire more picks
  15. Lmao and they didn’t take them. Yeah right nobody offered them that!
  16. Got ya, my bad wasn’t meaning anything towards u. I just want to stay away from Willis or Pickett
  17. I don’t care how fast he is, I just don’t want him
  18. I want Corral! Trade back get picks get him and maybe oline
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