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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. Exactly what I’ve been saying about the MLS team but I get pooed on. He could care less about this football team, we got an owner that just likes to throw his money around because he has it. I’ve bought psls, and now regretting every single second of it. Also Nfl has become soft, and the refs have no idea what a penalty is anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t get as bad as nascar with viewership and fans within the next 10 years.
  2. Hey can we do this with Rhule please lol. Joking I know that’s not happening, we be lucky if he gets fired.
  3. Put Moore as qb, LOL. This team is such a fugging joke.
  4. Yeah I wouldn’t be upset he really isn’t a number 1 wr, also don’t get why we extended Robby. There’s a bunch of guys I would try to trade or let walk.
  5. He don’t want to come back to this sh$t show next year. I bet he wished he kept his mouth shut and stay with NE. He was stupid for leaving there!
  6. We’re talking football not money. He isn’t a smart owner at all and I don’t know if ever will be he keeps thinking just spend a bunch of money and you can get anything u want.
  7. And an offensive coach, which is what I want. Defense minded head coaches are a thing of the past. Nfl is an offensive game today!
  8. Damn I wish we could’ve drafted Herbert. Instead we got Crybaby Brown.
  9. That’s all u got lol, he flew out to someone’s house and took in their luggage. That’s real funny, I could care less if u take me seriously I’ve seen enough to know.
  10. Oh I know I can tell since he took over team. All he ever wanted was a soccer team, tell me different.
  11. All he sees is Charlotte FC soccer, he could care less about this football team.
  12. Hell no defense hasn’t really looked great either. The nfl has figured out the college offense and defense of Snow.
  13. Hell no defense hasn’t really looked great either. The figurexd out the college offense and defense
  14. WFT where up to 18 cases last time I heard.
  15. Ok but he’s still better than Rhule. Don’t get what ur arguing here?
  16. It’s really not that funny, @SizzleBuzzis a joke!
  17. Well that’s dumb when u get an extra two weeks now to start looking at candidates but Tepper is dumb and has no balls so I believe it. Let’s give all these other teams headstarts, but it doesn’t matter we ain’t firing Rhule anyway. Let’s just save our breath and time.
  18. U know why Rhule is stere here, Tepper lost his balls
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