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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. I was just playing I hope it’s true. We need something to joke about lol. Who actually said it, that means a lot
  2. But his wife makes great meatballs, we gotta hire this guy!
  3. Yep and I got pooed on. Eat ur crow dummies who said it was a good trade. All of trades have been poo, this team is doomed with Tepper running it
  4. They still have that lying ass Brown coming back they will be fine like always.
  5. Yikes I never thought that. I think that’s why Zod is so pissed lol, Rhule made him look bad!
  6. No he’s mad because he is a Rhule fan.
  7. Thought that was suppose to happen when we brought Rhule in but they kept thinking we had this awesome team and just needed a qb. Tepper said it won’t be done in 2 or 3 years, when did we actually begin the rebuild. I guess Tepper doesn’t know anything about football.
  8. Hey u remember when I told u after first couple weeks this team was not that good. But hey I’m with this is a new all time low for me. I was able to get through Clausen era but don’t think I can do it again.
  9. Lol the guys on tv where saying they can’t believe Cam had made it whole game because he never had time. Wow
  10. Who cares isn’t like we going to score or win today anyway. #firerhule
  11. You don’t have to come in here at all, better yet leave. Bye
  12. Not that easy more for tickets plus to many frauds. I won’t ever risk that again.
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