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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. Hey I usually wait and take Christmas stuff down after New Years, sounds like today would be the best and not worry about this team.
  2. Oh snap Larry Mac from racing even called out this oline. Wow it’s pretty bad when our football team is getting called out a racing announcer. j
  3. Damn I wanted 100-0 L, but that will do!
  4. Dude this thread is as bad if not worse than all the Panther bot threads that get started about every couple hours. Just stop!
  5. @SizzleBuzzis just a douche/troll, don’t let him get to you.
  6. I’m hoping it means black Monday early
  7. If this is true And Rhule is coming back. I’m out, I thought we would have more than that for next year. Wow
  8. Give my self a raise, damn how bout you give panthers some of their money back for all your drops. Anderson to me has been one of biggest disappointments on this team this year.
  9. Robby should worry about him being on this team next year. Sir drops a lot.
  10. Leave that troll alone, he feeds off it. Best just to let him speak his lies!
  11. Never said anything about Cam I was just commenting on what u said about Darnold. They both suck, and PJ shouldn’t even be on an nfl team. Believe me I’ve watched them longer than u, since 95 pal. Darnold won’t even be staring next year for us he will be making an easy 18 mil sitting on his ass. Cam is probably playing last games of his career, like I said I care for either. This team is doomed for awhile might as well tear it down completely like they said they was going to do. Rhule is a joke!
  12. Lol u talking about making throws to other teams when he sees his own shadow? LMAO you’re a joke like this team.
  13. Tepper are u paying attention to this sh$t, maybe u should ask all these media people what their drinking. They will say ur the dumbest owner ever if you give Rhule another year.
  14. Damn I wish Tepper seen all this, I bet he reads none of it. If I was PR guys I would be like hey Tep you see all this, what u going to do about it!
  15. I’m glad Florio calls out Rhule for being a bad rah rah guy again I’m not calling him the C word because he’s not. Also says what I’ve been saying since TC he looks like crap every time he does interviews.
  16. We got screwed again awesome, this year has been filled with so many surprises.
  17. If Tepper wants to keep running the team in the ground I wouldn’t care if he moved them. Save me time to go pull for a real team instead of this crap.
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