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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. That’s who I wanted, still hate with didn’t at least interview him. I wanted an offensive head coach, so tired of these defensive coaches. Let’s just let our defense win the game that don’t happen anymore. It’s offense driven game, especially with all the calls they get.
  2. So he got 3 years, wonder what McAdoo got? I never seen it anywhere
  3. I don’t give a fug. I mean it’s just a message board but do whatever makes u happy. I mean it’s not like people can’t get other accounts, everyone else does.
  4. They have been talking about hiring for a couple weeks, but scared people would say they’re stupid but I guess they forgot about the Panthers.
  5. No don’t complain people will say ur crazy, need mental help, or not a true fan!
  6. This was from Verge 5 days ago. I know a lot people has including me given her heck about her info. Damn she really might know some sh@t!
  7. Wow I thought for sure he was getting a job.
  8. I don’t mind Jim Caldwell u think he will get a job this year?
  9. Lol coming from one of the worse. Hey ignore is ur friend if I don’t like the truth.
  10. Hopefully McAdoo does, that’s what everyone says. But I’m not holding my breath!
  11. Lol it’s bad u tell me something like this but allow this Sizzlebuzz guy to run rampant on here with nonsense. It’s ok I see how the mods run on here anyway.
  12. No what’s bad is you can’t post your opinions on how shitty your team is running things and the people want to come in the thread to say oh u shouldn’t do this. U don’t like that certain thread don’t comment.
  13. Yeah it will be funny when Watson gets traded because it’s going to happen. Texans will not sit him on the bench and pay him 35 mil lol.
  14. Sorry bud. Too bad with stuck with FHULE!
  15. You’re wrong I’ve been upset since this dumbass Tepper took over but as I’ve told other people u don’t like it, you don’t have to respond. I had another account before this one, and wasn’t upset till the last two years. I mean ur upset because I tried to tell u before the season started this team was bad. You didn’t believe and pretty much called me out, said I was wrong. I’m just glad I was right all along. But you do you bud.
  16. Says with his promotion he will halo more with player evaluation. What do you guys think?
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