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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. Yeah that’s what everyone said about Brady, that he was getting older and was done. Those two years he kicked our ass, I don’t want Bucs getting any of those qbs.
  2. We’re not getting any of those qbs, none of them want to come here. It will be a rookie and Darnold competing. Yay 2022!
  3. I agree Darnold should be gone, they was dumb to sign that 5th year option. He will be on this team in 22’, hopefully as backup. I know it sucks but we’re not going to be able to trade him.
  4. It only takes 7 years, but we get worse as it goes aiong. I don’t see how the process is working, do yall?
  5. I wasn’t saying, just showed a video. I don’t really believe it either. I need to see to believe. I would be a lot happier if we had a new coach!
  6. We fixing to go big or go home. Just wish Rhule wasn’t the coach!
  7. If u read the report more after that, he pretty much says we’re stuck with Darnold. Says he don’t think anyone will take on that contract. I would say we out of running for any big time qb. Damn we really going to be stuck with Pickett. Smh
  8. Oh they taking a swing. His name is Pickett at pick 6. The swing is big because he shouldn’t go first round. We’re screwed!
  9. Well good luck Steelers, u going to need it!
  10. Henderson will never develop because he don’t care about football. Wasted a 3rd pick, don’t like it now and hated it then.
  11. Reddick had a great year and wish we could keep him over Burns but that’s just my opinion.
  12. There’s no more optimism left for me with this team until RHULE IS FIRED!
  13. Yeah because the mixed-reality Panther only lasted a game or two.
  14. We haven’t seen it like him. He’s fell for Rhule’s 7+ years!
  15. It’s really bad as fans we have to look forward to this instead of our team winning. I mean owner knows he made a mistake and won’t fix it, instead a just tries to fix his mistake by making his embarrassment hire guys with experience. If he fired Rhule I would have been like ok you made a mistake and I’m glad your noticed it. Now you know, NFL knows and we know as fans but u stuck with it. LOL
  16. Lmao it’s really bad u just can’t admit it. Burns misses a lot of sacks and runs by the play a bunch shouldn’t have been a pro bowler imo, CMAC who’s that, someone that’s played 6 games in like 2 years, DJ isn’t a number 1 wr, Chinn is being used wrong by this staff, Horn we don’t know what we have and should’ve been a different pick at the time, etc well there’s not really an etc. just keep being in denial but it’s true this team isn’t that good.
  17. The team is already screwed long term because the rebuild was suppose to happen 3 years ago, so who really cares.
  18. Yeah I don’t see that happen once we get a new coach, they most times bring in their own guys.
  19. You can sell them to someone or just let ur psls go back. It doesn’t matter anyway Tepper fixing to take them away when he builds a stadium for his sucky team.
  20. I don’t really care about the hires anymore because these guys will only be here a year. Rhule won’t be here after this year anyway. Waste of time worrying about who we’re hiring right now.
  21. Yeah we should because this team isn’t making the playoffs lol
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