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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. We could win 9 or 10 games this year, then next year 12 or more making playoffs. Which is how everyone thinks with a franchise qb. To think this team would win less than that is dumb. This guy isn’t Sam Fugging Darnold or Teddy Turd Glove Garbagewater.
  2. Speculation you don’t know, hey multiple sources said he wouldn’t come to Carolina. Guess that was proven wrong lol. Your usually ok about things, but sir you don’t know what’s going on. None of us do!
  3. Damn this hurts so bad to say this but I totally agree. I would have never got rid of Smitty because it hurt Cams feelings. Dumb as hell
  4. 1. Don’t care for Clemson 2. Just one year, need more consistency 3. Never cared for Cam, never was a great passer even before his shoulder was fugged. 4. There again speaking for people that you know nothing about
  5. He said he would not give up what they want. He said it’s impossible to get him. You have not read all the other 1000 Watson threads that people act like they know everything that’s going on. If they did they would be working in NFL and not on a football forum.
  6. Lol u think Darnold, Cousins, Wentz, Garappolo, Pickett, Willis, Howell so on can. U rather just keep striking out with this mediocre qbs lol.
  7. It’s all speculation, like every other thread that said he didn’t want to come here, guess what it was wrong. So nobody knows anything. Just like everyone on here or anywhere that says this guy is guilty. I guess y’all never heard of innocent until proven guilty.
  8. Dude he don’t want him no matter what. People say oh I don’t want him unless charges are dropped. Now they say no I wouldn’t give anything up costs to much. They don’t know what it costs to get a franchise qb no more, and rather live in mediocrity. I’m personally tired of being a dogsh@t team.
  9. Nobody damn knows what they want, it’s fugging speculation. Just like everyone saying he didn’t want to play here damn. I don’t care if charges are dropped I’m going all in. Fug better than what we’ve had other than Cam.
  10. Lol you might as well get ready, they trading for someone. You do know Rhule is not fired yet right and needs to win, and probably make playoffs?
  11. So where did u see I ever said I wanted him if charges weren’t dropped. I said I would only take him if charges were dropped. Y’all really try to turn poo around on people in this forum damn. So what if price goes up that means he is not in trouble. Then all these people trying to prove someone is guilty before anything happen in court was wrong. I don’t mind spending a lot on a 26 year old franchise qb at all costs. Y’all think Bills came out first year with Allen and had chance at SB?
  12. Yeah totally agree as long as his charges are drop. I’m all for it then, and if you think this team is no better after winning 5 games and most with Darnold is ludicrous.
  13. Your crazy if u don’t think we are better lol. But you keep wanting to win with Darnold. I rather do something, than nothing at all
  14. Who else u think is involved now if he gets cleared of charges? Commanders, Steelers, Broncos or Eagles?
  15. Ok why is Greg all of a sudden talking up Darnold and now this guy. What the fug does Tepper and Rhule have on everyone. Damn
  16. I read he wants to be sent to a contender, does he have a no trade clause?
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