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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. I say Gilmore but he’s leaving this shitshow
  2. That’s what I’m fugging talking about, don’t come to the panthers and not know our fugging mascot. A bear, what the fug is wrong with u.
  3. Oh no I still want him fired but like u said hopefully he’s not making ALL the decisions
  4. No it doesn’t lol. If you think that, be ready for a let down!
  5. Sh$t I would just be happy if he’s off the team, maybe then we know Rhule is losing power!
  6. Y’all think 11 mil is a lot, it’s to help with some low priced FA’s. This didn’t happen to go after some big trade lol.
  7. Lmao we need money to sign some players to fill out team, it’s not for Wilson. He would never come here
  8. Welp he won’t he won’t be a panther. Enough said
  9. I think only thing that could get me excited is if Tepper decided to sale the team and I know that’s not happening. This team really isn’t important anymore to me, don’t know if anything would get me back to that point.
  10. Dude quit making excuses for him, he’s done
  11. Hell no I’m not taking someone that is going to have to sit for a whole season or more. We need help on line and other positions. We need a starter day 1, people saying taking Willis is crazy. Hell I hope Steelers or someone trades in front of us just so it’s not even a question.
  12. That’s exactly why I said in a thread I started Burns vs Reddick that I would pay Hassan and try to trade Burns
  13. This team is a fugging joke. They have no idea what their doing. Tepper said when Rhule came it would take 3-5 years to build consistent winning team. Then year 1 they starting signing and go for people like they wanted to win now. Now year 3 oh we know pressure is on is to win and doesn’t say anything about being a consistent winner anymore. What I joke of a clown show!
  14. Damn who is running this team. Too many people involved!
  15. This is all I got on that interview
  16. They signed Thomas to that big deal because he was clocked by GPS going down field at 20 mph. Fittermagic!
  17. Hey y’all Fitterer said we signed Ian back because he was clocked at 20 mph on the GPS. Fittermagic, fug yeah!
  18. I mean we can’t pay him 15 mil a year with al the holes we have.
  19. I can’t take no more I feel like I’m just listening to Rhule up there telling lies.
  20. It’s happening. I believe Natalie Millers post even more now. Damn smh
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