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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. Lol thinking Jets are better than us and they have no defense. Learn to not listen to what all these reporters say it will not make ur threads look silly.
  2. Lmao their oline is just as bad as ours. Darnold is not that bad look at the time he has had since he has been there. Those wrs are garbage compared to ours. Sorry but this report is nothing to see.
  3. Yeah too early, it’s a long way from over. What’s funny is they say they won’t trade him at all but then says they would trade him to Jets. Yeah I call bullish!t on that report lol.
  4. I listened to his live interview he said if they trade him they would want to trade him to Jets not that Watson picked them. Watson has a say so if he don’t like it, he will sit. Doesn’t mean Carolina has no chance
  5. Probably not but cool that his people liked it. Because I know he didn’t do it lol
  6. Lol my bad just seen it on Ellis’s Twitter thought it would give something for people to talk about.
  7. LMAO, ok now it’s time for ignore button for u
  8. I’m not giving up all that for an unknown sorry, if I’m doing that I’m going after Watson or Dak
  9. They really can’t hide anything team doctors can give him a physical and make sure he is good before trade goes through.
  10. His stats through week 4 before he got hurt. He had almost 1,700 yards and 9 tds. Allen was almost 300 yds behind him already they said he was on pace for 6,700 yds. Yeah I would take that. I’m all for him or Watson. Nobody can tell me they know for sure the guys coming out of the draft can do that or will.
  11. Lol I agree, that dude never had a defense, same with Dak. Dallas knows how to waste good qbs lol.
  12. Lol if you think any of those guys listed by @Mageare ahead of Dak. To have him not ranked in top 10 is ludicrous.
  13. His numbers was better than all those qbs before he got hurt. He would have been going for MVP, go back and check it out he still had more yds than the next qb for like two weeks after he got hurt.
  14. Yep. I would do it. I’m going all in Watson or Dak. I mean u going to give that up plus some for an unproven rookie. No way I’m doing that.
  15. They could tag and trade him for picks. I would still do it.
  16. If I’m giving up so much to get a rookie qb, I’m just going to give up a little more for a proven one. We ain’t getting Lawrence and there is no way I’m giving up all these picks for Wilson or Fields terrible idea.
  17. Probably wouldn’t cost as much as giving up as up everything for Watson. Yeah I posted it in another thread, I would love to get him. He would have been in running for MVP if he had not gotten hurt. His numbers were crazy good he was putting ridiculous numbers, their defense as always was costing them games. Also instead of Zeke feeding himself he was feeding the other team with all his fumbles. I would put getting him over Watson IMO.
  18. I would like him too as well but I think someone will give him a better payday.
  19. Nothing good comes from ESPN damn i knew there was another reason I can’t stand you.
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