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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. U have any more on teams involved, and do you know if Watson has told someone that he would play for Panthers?
  2. @VergeI don’t think their on the list but I could be wrong.
  3. WTH. U literally said he wasn’t coming at all and now ur asking why he isn’t here yet? Because Houston has decided not to trade him yet, that hasn’t to do with he is not coming because of what Panthers did to Cam. Ur story just keep changing lol
  4. Well you have changed your comments when it first came out that we was going to go after him you said oh I know he isn’t coming here because he is friends with Cam and he won’t come here before of how they treated Cam. Sorry but your facts don’t line up lol.
  5. The people complaining just don’t want him plain and simple. We have plenty of money, there is no cap look at saints. Even Roman Harper said on radio show yesterday that cap is not what people really think, if you want someone u can get around it.
  6. If u had proof maybe u should say it because everyone is calling u out. Everything is the opposite of what ur saying lol.
  7. Yep he will be in here and say it’s definitely not true? Every report I’ve seen has said the exact opposite he would never turn us down because of that!
  8. How do we know he actually said it, I really don’t think we know that for sure. Right?
  9. Is this actual news because I heard they was not reliable? Just asking for a friend.
  10. Who cares what are u getting with some of those picks, it’s always an unknown. Deshaun is not an unknown and he is just going to be 25 this year. Damn do y’all just want to keep getting shitty qbs and being mediocre. I don’t care what it takes get him here. Tepper is fixing to finally show all y’all his brass balls!!!!!!
  11. Because Sean Payton con us into signing him. Teddy had a better team around him in NO he didn’t do anything great but they have a better defense and oline so you didn’t see his flaws till he came here.
  12. It’s going to happen not saying we get him but we have a great chance. But if they are dumb enough to not trade him and take all the picks and players they could get then they probably are the dumbest franchise ever. I mean if he isn’t going to play for you makes no sense to not take the compensation you could get for him. I think he will be traded before draft though
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