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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. Well he will never get a throw like that from Teddy
  2. Yeah these accusers are not making anything up at all, let’s not say they could be falsifying stuff about Watson wow. Seems a little one sided to me?
  3. So your calling Deshaun a liar and think there is no way the women was paid off. It don’t always go one way is what I’m trying to say but you keep saying that like it’s truth. SMH
  4. See how ur trying to stir sh$t up never said I didn’t believe the women. Y’all want to run Watson under the bus and have no idea what’s going on. There are 100 pages of u put these threads together of nobody knowing anything and act like they do. So don’t respond to me saying I said something when I didn’t.
  5. Yeah that’s what I’m trying to tell y’all who knows. 90 percent of the huddle is like Watson is terrible, kick him out of league, he did it, he is trash. They have no damn clue best thing to do is nobody say anything better yet close this thread.
  6. Can u absolutely say the lawyer and these women are telling the truth? Please answer if not quit saying it like is so. He is innocent till proven guiltily. Anyone saying he is done in the nfl or never will play again don’t know sh$t.
  7. Yeah so we believing the word of this lawyer that has lied before. Ok that’s what I thought I knew someone would finally step into that. NOBODY knows and it’s speculation not TRUTH. Everyone bad mouthing Watson right now, wow I can’t wait to see what y’all going to say when he is cleared. Yikes
  8. Asking for 100k from someone that makes millions I’m sorry that is not common. If this happened they knew who in the hell he was. 100k lol yeah ok, sorry but we’re going to disagree on this all day
  9. They asked for 100k before this and now all of a sudden 9 women come forth. I’m sorry I’m calling bullsh$t
  10. Yep I’m with ya man people just believe everything and don’t wait for truth.
  11. Glad I kept hearing here, I’m glad that didn’t happen
  12. Why sure they could fit Teddy there, they can battle for starter.
  13. Yeah I think as u see Adam say they are not over reacting like 75% of the huddle. They have people that can check in this, I think they know there is some stank going on with McNair/Texans behind the scenes.
  14. Can we please ban this trash. Enough is enough. Totally annoying
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