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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. Just tune in to Facebook, Instagram or Tik Tok today to find out lmao
  2. Have you not seen what is going on in Houston u think they could find be doing this to run him in the ground. I’m not saying it’s true but people need not to just blame one person at this time. Nobody on this site knows anything and should just quit trying to speculate
  3. Who is ready to watch this reality show on Facebook, Instagram or Tik Tom?
  4. U really don’t think someone could pay all these women to come out and say this. Lol we have some real smart people on here. SMDH
  5. Moore play a lot less because of Metcalf, Lockett, and Baldwin that use to be there but still put up 13 tds last three years. Samuel play a lot more last two years but doesn’t have a lot more production. Hell of a deal I love it, definitely wouldn’t pay Samuel what he wanted that’s crazy
  6. This thread needs to go, some pretty disgraceful people in here.
  7. We shall see not enough so far, not looking good for that lawyer!
  8. I really wasn’t meaning it toward u, my bad if u think thay
  9. So your saying if there is no proof he is still guilty. Got ya
  10. Lol nope but keep em coming. So everyone can say a guy is guilty before looking at the facts
  11. Yep was there a text not that, or she said/ he said that’s not going to get it sorry pal
  12. WTH I wasn’t even talking to you and never quoted you.
  13. Yeah and he beat the hell out of that woman.
  14. Yeah but no evidence, if they are going off those texts this will be over quickly.
  15. I’m telling you these people hate DW and have already proven him guilty. I’m really shocked right now.
  16. Lmao if that’s all they and is out there. This is a damn joke
  17. About 80% of people when this is over and we trade for him will be all over his nuts. I will be here to remind them!
  18. This has bullsh$t written all over it. Be glad when his name is cleared so we can move on
  19. Fuller is going to broncos haven’t heard anything on Jackson. We need a starting CB opposite of donte
  20. Does anybody understand what Houston is doing the last couple of years?
  21. We got to get a TE damn, and another starting corner.
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