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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. You don’t get suspended for stuff like that.
  2. I think this guy might be the real deal, need to get a nickname ready for him?
  3. I agree I said in another thread @Giants week 1 because we will start on the road. We have started on at home last couple years, it will be a road game.
  4. Why did u use my avatar, I don’t want to be confuse with this garbage!
  5. Yeah they done what I was calling for the first year of Rhule damn Hurney cost us one year by bringing Teddy in, damn every time I wonder what Hurney had on these people that we kept him around for so many years. I just imagine what our team could of been with a more competent GM
  6. I think we might be 12th or 13th honestly. This team still has I think two years before playoffs. Thought last year should have been rebuild more with Covid and first time coach. They decided to win with Teddy and put us in a bad spot.
  7. I mean I love the Panthers but I don’t see how anybody thinks we will be more than a 7 or 8 win team. Falcons will be a lot better with that coaching staff, and NO well they have Sean Payton. I agree with post above Brees was not at his best last couple years.
  8. That he is full of sh$t lol, we all knew that!
  9. Maybe u should go back and watch first of nfl draft on espn 3 or 4 people said it on there.
  10. I seen many people say he would be top 2 or 3 in this class
  11. Hell I would be happy if he could win 4-6 one score games. I mean last guy was 0-8!
  12. Y’all think Hubbard automatically goes to CMC’s backup?
  13. Please let Morgan or Poles happen!!!!
  14. Damn did y’all see the video of what Deonte did to Derrick Brown. Man he moved him like he wasn’t nothing.
  15. Did Shi do punt returns at USC? Edit: Looks like he won’t be doing them
  16. I would think the 8 is for what pick he was drafted. I think he said then he hadn’t decided yet
  17. People on here act like they’re nfl scouts, pretty hilarious
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