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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. He’s not that good, why would they be trading him already. Huge red flags!
  2. If we lose week 1 to the Jets we definitely better not think playoffs for us this year. No reason we shouldn’t win that game I’m sorry
  3. Hey I like taking chances, we never had that in Teddy. He was not going to ever win the game for you, the defense keeps you ahead. He was a game manager, and Darnold won’t never be that.
  4. Yeah I think him and Marshall if he can stay healthy. He has such good size and plucks ball out of air with his hands and don’t let it get to chest.
  5. Darnold to Arnold! Man I think we going to hear that a lot this year.
  6. Idk I was telling someone the other day it’s weird how quiet they have been about him. His first couple years u would see a video everyday at camp of him doing something crazy. Idk but the Panthers have been weird about the reports coming from camp, so secretive. Kinda weird imo!
  7. I know I read Jets had 20,000 people, and somewhere I seen that Packers had about 34,000 at their stadium the other day. But then I read we had like 42,000 is that true? It didn’t look like that many people were there but if so that’s crazy!
  8. You going to practice today oar anymore since the restrictions changed?
  9. Dude might up being steal of draft and I’m not talking about Horn!
  10. I’m more upset they took away the black out of the end zone!
  11. Yeah I think we keep 7 wrs are DJ, Anderson, Marshall, Moore, Shi, Zlystra and Cannon would be the last wr, rb, special teamer. Bayless is on the outside looking in imo. He would make practice squad but someone from another will probably sign him.
  12. What have u heard? I’ve heard nothing but good.
  13. Thanks for the write up it was awesome, wish I could see the videos it won’t let me play them. Also I think that new section could be a safety hazard for players, it looks to close to the end zone. I could see players running into it, and getting hurt.
  14. U don’t have to apologize man, I’m glad u had fun with the family!
  15. That was pathetic, should have put on a better practice for fans imo.
  16. I tried to watch on tv but that was a dud, I mean you come to practice in front of fans and no pads? I think high schoolers could on a better show than that. I was going to go glad I didn’t, I feel bad for people who did.
  17. Wow I can’t believe no has said it yet but I will, it’s so nice to not have to hear Mick Mixon talk. He just made it unbearable for me to watch.
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