If Captain is as good as you think we should easily be able to trade him for someone better than Bell.
They obviously trust the young guys or they wouldn't have cut Florence.
You missed Hayworth Hicks..
That's 11 official with 11 to go.
Surely we can assume
Melvin White...(he actually made it)
Russell Anderson
Patrick Brown
Garrett Chisolm
Dominique Curry
Taulib Ikharo
so 5 more in addition to them if they are indeed gone.
TE Zach Pinalto is gone as well. Adam Caplan @caplannfl 21m
TE Zach Pianalto was waived by the Panthers today.
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Well since the other thread got locked Florence had the worst grade from PFF of all our corners(even tho I take their grading system with a grain of salt...I use them for the detailed stats personally).
Josh and Josh is what I've been wanting as our starters since last season ended...hopefully it happens now.
How nice would it be if Gettleman could draft us another rookie of the year to make it 3 in a row. Obviously a tougher task than the last 2 years as we're picking closer to the middle this time.
I have pictures of me and the panther O-Line naked havin a blast in my hot tub!!! E mail me if you want some copies guys!!!!!!!!! ps Im uninhibited and i open to guy on guy fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!