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Everything posted by TheBigKat

  1. the last time the Rams made a first round selection, Obama was in office
  2. I remember the draft night hoping we get Peppers and not draft Carr or Harrington
  3. https://www.charlotteobserver.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/scott-fowler/article260832802.html I like what I am reading. Instead of a new stadium, just continue to modernize BOA. Think it is a great idea, ideal location and certainly isn't showing any signs of aging / fatigue
  4. I would too but Houston has so many needs I just can’t see them trading draft capital. They’re not on the verge of anything
  5. Ravens are ideal. They are sitting at 14, we can likely get a second and future 3rd Ravens are a Super Bowl caliber team if BigTruss is healthy and they need to get him a dynamic playmaker. At 6 the Ravens should be able to get G. Wilson from OSU and CAR at 14 are still ahead of NO and PHI
  6. What would you like him to do? Trash Darnold in an open forum? let me know when you’d be open to playing poker together
  7. I like listening to Fitt speak. Very eloquent…. He should speak on behalf of the Panthers while Jay Z Jr and Mr Tepper stay away from the mic
  8. Against the Chargers. trovon reed https://www.al.com/sports/2016/12/see_the_100-yard_interception.html
  9. There’s no bigger impact of improvement for this team at 6 then taking a LT. As bad as Darnold is, Erving at his position was WORSE
  10. Jordan Gross gave Jake time Kalil, Bell, Oher ruined Cam’s career
  11. I believe in David Tepper.... he wants to win and is willing to spend. He inherited a team that was out of gas, let's face it Cam was done, line was cooked, defense was old and moRON had run his course here with blank stares Did he make a huge MISS with Rhule, he sure did and he is eating his crow for it But the guy is not accepting of mediocrity and while he is eating crow two plates at a time, I do feel that he will be the best thing this franchise has ever had in terms of ownership and consistency model of excellence. You can blame him all you want about SC but at the end of the day what SC signed up for they aren't delivering, if anything it is he who has to eat all the costs of the development that he is walking away from. when you watch this video about him, you will understand the hell he went through to get where he got and I highly doubt he is going to let sleazy SC politicians get the best of him. Want to watch the definition of bad ownership? Pay attention to MJ's cheap ass and how he is about to let Bridges walk and we waste the talents of players like LaMelo in mediocrity
  12. do not want the mental midget who pretends he is Bruce Lee
  13. Of professional coaches in one city? JB is massively underachieving with his horrendous defensive philosophies, getting blown out two years in a row in the play in game and already wasted two years of LaMelo’s career. then there’s Matt Rhule
  14. No but at least NC will value what the franchise brings to the region and honor whatever is agreed upon
  15. What an era of football that guys like this were classified as LB
  16. Play stupid games Win stupid prizes SC residents, you voted these idiots in can we please strip the name ‘Carolina’ Panthers and just call them North Carolina Panthers
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