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Everything posted by TheBigKat

  1. High schoolers make that kick. That is a chip shot for a professional
  2. You know he is greyhound’ing back to Charlotte today
  3. An experienced QB throws that in the ground knowing the D sniffed it out
  4. Another indication that Rhule can’t identify talent
  5. It’s the right thing to do, the investment into this platform has precipitously declined
  6. The COLTS are in a bad spot They are too talented to tank for a QB they aren’t good enough to truly compete this team is primed to do great (RB, Defense, #1WR) but hamstrung with awful QBs. remind you of another franchise?
  7. Anything more than a bag of Cheetos and belly lint and we did good i can’t believe I thought he was our answer to LT
  8. That’s funny…. I’d make you my GM of the Board if he agreed to sell, you were around when this place was awesome
  9. I would have a committee.... shareholders and users with over 1000 post count, it will be a broad governing body but I agree, goodbye litterbox and hello to: 1) Podcasts 2) Work with the rookie pool for them to get to know the fan base 3) ladies section 4) Huddle correspondents where if we are playing in Tampa and there is a Panther fan there sponsor their tickets so the can give us an in person feel
  10. Absolutely not a ying needs a Yang
  11. You’re a busy man and I get it but I’m 40 years old, obese and semi-retired and this board used to be AWESOME. The team stinks right now and we don’t have a generational star so interest won’t be there right now for the team or it’s fan sites I’ll buy it then run the place in the Greenbay Packers model where everyone on this board can be a shareholder and get rid of these ads
  12. I would say ‘locks’ for this team are Hekker- has been a great punter for this team, good accuracy and plenty of leg Brown- has to be one of the top interior DL in the league. Playing VERY well and has shed the bust label maybe category Ekwonu- this young man has a very bright future, he’s playing at a high level as a rookie Burns- sacks will have to pick up
  13. Watching him in person today, this looked like a Muhammad Ali getting pummeled by Larry Holmes, passes weren't crisp, he just wasn't effective. It is CRAZY to think he now has to see his kids on arranged times, divorce, loss of a supermodel wife all for a mediocre football season. A man that has a $250 million net worth and a wife who has a $400 million net worth, has houses, championship rings, everything you can possibly imagine and that picturesque sendoff he could have had is gone because of this season. I can't see TB12 coming back next season, there's nothing left in the tank
  14. With this TB12 retirement party win, will we actively shop players like DJ, Burns, Anderson, Shaq or you think Fitt puts that on pause?
  15. After years of high priced RBs (Williams, Stewart, CMC) maybe this franchise will get with the modern era that you don’t spend on RB and it’s by committee
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