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Everything posted by TheBigKat

  1. We have a REAL shot to run the table on PHI MIN NYG ATL that puts this team in STRONG position for the playoffs It is well known, defenses travel in January
  2. I like Rhule, think he is a good coach. I LOVE Fitterer, what this guy is doing, I have NOT seen in 25 years!!! Getting Gilmore via trade was a straight gangster move to block Tampa. Henderson for a 3rd when he was a top 10 pick? Nailing it on this draft, results coming back so far look great I honestly think we have a top 3 GM in the league who has the blessings of a deep pocketed owner who wants to see results. I do think the pairing of Fitterer and Rhule has been incredible, Rivera / Fox would never be game for the type of GM Fitterer is
  3. Randall.... he will be released and not traded, nobody would be taking on his DAL contract
  4. I miss when we had a more diverse member community
  5. Is Fletcher Cox still a disrupting DT?
  6. They are a very up and coming team They beat ATL gave SF and KC all they could handle This is a very good team that CAR is 5-7 against all time For those who follow them, what do you know about the Eagles?
  7. The rate of injuries this team had under his watch was astonishing. I always felt he was not a very good trainer
  8. It's 2021, 2015 is now an after thought. This team had to transform an ageing roster (Olsen, Kalil, Davis Sr) an injured roster (Cam, KK), a roster filled with poor free agent signings and draft picks (Matt Kalil, K. Ealy, Grieer) and do so in cap purgatory Since flushing Ronald and HurNAY we've witnessed flourishings of: Stud WR Havoc causing DEs Young franchise QB Stud DT LOCKDOWN CB to be paired next year with another young corner All Pro FS abundant cap space WUTTTTT You, me, Randall from Gastonia we all know that the o line is a disaster, that'll be next years project 3-1, lost but fought hard with an incredibly talented offense. So what!?! This team is 1.25 seasons into a complete purge and already at the doorsteps of playoff contention
  9. In 25 seasons that’s all the first round capital spent on O-line. I have faith in Fitterer but we missed on a franchise LT in Slater. I expect CAR to go all O-line in the 2022 draft because even Mahomes couldn’t win a SB with such a porous OL
  10. The team’s rebuild is ahead of schedule we are without CMC we will lose some 50/50 games, this may happen to be one of them no need to burn Rome
  11. I’ve complained about this idiot for years. Hands down the worst NFL Referee
  12. Imagine if Cam was married and then caught like this
  13. Good to see the internet is back on in Fayetteville NC
  14. When's the last time this team invested a FIRST round pick on O-line. That'll tell you all you need on the state of disarray it's in
  15. I am gladly eating crow on this because I was not sold on Coach Rhule due to: 1) Comes from lower tier college programs, never won anything at either of them and thought his ra ra speech would not translate to the NFL 2) Wasn't sold on his coaching staff, two unknown coordinators with limited to no NFL experience, thought Snow as a guy who the game passed him by 3) Didn't like how he handled Cam, thought to myself how could he run out of town an NFL MVP and not give him a season to prove 4) Didn't believe in all his analytics stuff, thought this guy was a copy of Chip Kelly and his "system" Well, I am here to say I am wrong. I think Matt Rhule may end of being the best coach in Panthers history. In addition, I give credit to Tepper, it appears he went "The Steelers Way" in finding his version of a young Bill Cowher who will coach this team for 10-15 years.
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