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Everything posted by TheBigKat

  1. Now it makes sense why Robby wanted to secure the bag before the season. He knew Darnold was a career killer
  2. PJ has a future in this league…. He needs to take a couple seasons and work/learn from Newton
  3. Credit to this idiot He had Cam in the final year of his contract coming into last season and injury free. Instead of evaluating, he gave the car salesman talk about how he couldn't wait to coach him and ran him out of town. He was given TOO much control TOO quickly and I am glad to see him be humbled a bit with Tepper basically forcing this move. Rhule might end up being a decent coach but he should not have final say on personnel
  4. Rhule had Fitt bring in Matt Barkley... David Tepper fixed this disaster. I am glad to eat crow, I am more glad that Rhule got taken down a couple notches
  5. Without him flexing those brass balls we would have witnessed Matt TRASH Barkley today
  6. Law of averages finally took effect. He is solid
  7. Something feels VERY right watching this
  8. Yea @uncfan888 @jackson113 @PanthersGOATFan336 make it much more welcoming and inclusive
  9. He’s saying to himself ’if Jerry Jones can do it so can I’
  10. He has bigger things than football going on in his and his significant other’s life
  11. We miss ya Mr. Scott, get well soon chief!!! ’Cam was always in our plan, it was just one of those decisions at the time’- Matt oveRHULED
  12. I wish Cam could play AZ every week..... he has a thing about auditions against them
  13. Cam needed Carolina and Carolina needed Cam
  14. Reddick is turning out to being one of the best Panthers FA signings of all time
  15. He's a good coach, he ain't Belichick to have final say on personnel and we should not give him Chip Kelly leeway to make personnel decisions. We are winning today not because of Rhule, he had Fitterer bring in Matt TRASH Barkley, we are winning today because Mr. Tepper threw a poo fest and made the team bring in Cam. Cam didn't do it on his own but Cam gave this team HOPE, he has energized the franchise. The Sam Darnold era is OVER and I am happy that this move will demonstrate that Rhule needs to stick with coaching or enjoy going back to college
  16. Walker is playing ok, he’ll learn a lot behind Newton for years to come
  17. It’s Rhule and his moronic ‘system’ that was the problem. He was hellbent on running Cam out of town, many draft picks and mistakes later this game shows he should not have personnel control
  18. Cam Newton- QB1 PJ Walker- QB2 Sam Darnold- Arena League
  19. Very proud of this team and VERY happy I took CAR straight up when they were 9.5 dogs
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