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Everything posted by TheBigKat

  1. Midway through the third… week 1 by week 15 you’ll have entire sections to yourself
  2. At least we are ahead of the curve in diversity and inclusion
  3. This ad is more entertaining than the poo product out there today
  4. The only way Tepper will learn is to look out from his box and see this
  5. This is more like the Legion of Doom…. Not Legion of Boom 2.0
  6. Who did you think was going to join a lame duck HC. This was another check opportunity
  7. Jimmy Haslam >>>> David Tepper he went out and got Watson no matter what the other owners think and when Deshaun is back that team is a contender
  8. Brown- bust Horn- not worth his pick grade Burns- one trick pony that gets manhandled in the run thats 3 first rounders in the past 5 years
  9. Maybe it’s just me but I prefer DEs like Rucker / CJ than one trick pony Burns
  10. Jaycee Horn is in mid season form… hated the pick then, hate it more now
  11. Not going to take offensive coordinators long to figure out to just run against us
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