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Everything posted by TheBigKat

  1. KC offense starting to find rhythm
  2. This is worse than Eugene Robinson Super Bowl distraction
  3. 25 million career earnings half goes to taxes and agent fees 12 million give or take net 25% of net worth just in that house with god knows what other indiscretion spending. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thevikingage.com/2014/03/22/captain-munnerlyn-spends-1-million-strip-club-single-night/amp/ Safe to say this guy went to the Antoine Walker School of Business
  4. Your talents and skill sets get you an opportunity to make life changing money for you and your family, 9.9/10 of us would take that all day regardless of the inherent risks. You’re in a sport that you retire at an age (30s) that most adults are starting to launch their careers As far as coaches not being nice, guess what CEOs aren’t much better, ego, greed, limelight isn’t any different
  5. Matt Ryan’s cap hit guaranteed his return Matt Ryan’s age and performance guarantees they’ll be drafting his successor
  6. By trading for Matthew Stafford, the Rams are currently without a first-round pick thru 2023.
  7. Dump KK’s contract and welcome Leonard Williams to Carolina 26 years old (in his prime) shined when he left the Jets (who doesn’t) pair him with The Bull, Burns, YGM and that’s possibly the best front 4 in the NFL https://www.pff.com/news/nfl-2021-free-agency-top-100-free-agents you still win in this league by running the ball and stopping the run Spend the draft on a QB and the rest of it on OL, LB, CB
  8. We’re about to witness the ‘Herschel Walker’ trade of our era
  9. Raiders Panthers in 95 (made it to NFCCG) Eagles DREAM TEAM there's been tons of teams who've loaded up on past their prime vets for that 'push to the Super Bowl' and fallen short While Brady is the GOAT can you name a SB winner who loaded up on a bunch of 32+ year old players and won
  10. Don't disagree there. The closest thing to it I can recall is Denver trading Cutler in his prime to Chicago. To call him a superstar though is pushing it
  11. the draft currency and salary cap restraint you would give for him would hamper the team
  12. 2001- could have been Warner 2003- could have been Delhomme 2004- could have been McNabb (Drafted) 2005- could have been Russell (drafted) 2016- could have been Ryan (drafted) 2018- could have been Goff (drafted) Even if "the other team" beat the Pats in their SB wins drafted QBs still outpaced FA/traded QBs
  13. Montana went to the Chiefs Flacco went to the Broncos Vick went to the Eagles Cousins went to the Vikings Favre went to the Vikings Palmer went to the Raiders Cam went to the Pats Big name QBs have gone to other teams with limited to no success
  14. Super Bowl Winners per season 1991- Giants (Hostetler was drafted) 1992- Redskins (Rypien was drafted) 1993 and 1994- Cowboys (Aikman was drafted) 1995- 49ers (Young had been with the 49ers for 8 years prior to winning SB, was a long standing Montana backup) 1996- Packers (for all intent purposes Favre was Packers, can't count his ATL year) 1997-1998- Broncos (Elway, technically drafted by Colts but he was a Bronco) 1999- Rams (Warner, 28 year old who was grossly underseen and caught lightning in a bottle) 2000- Ravens (Dilfer, 28 year old signed to backup T. Banks, was brought in to manage the offense) 2001- Patriots (Brady, drafted) 2002- Bucs (Johnson, 34 year old free agent who guided a studded defense) 2003- Patriots (Brady, drafted) 2004- Patriots (Brady, drafted) 2005- Steelers (Roethlisberger, drafted) 2006- Colts (Manning, drafted) 2007- Giants (Manning, drafted) 2008- Steelers (Roethlisberger, drafted) 2009- Saints (Brees, 30 year old FA who was supposedly busted due to a shoulder) 2010- Packers (Rogers, drafted) 2011- Giants (Manning, drafted) 2012- Ravens (Flacco, drafted) 2013- Seahwawks (Wilson, drafted) 2014- Patriots (Brady, drafted) 2015- Broncos (Manning, free agent signing, rode an impressive defense and Roger Goodell) 2016- Patriots (Brady, drafted) 2017- Eagles (Wentz led them and was drafted, Foles won the game) 2018- Patriots (Brady, drafted) 2019- Chiefs (Mahomes, drafted) With the rarity free agents like Brees, Brad Johnson, Dilfer or Warner, if you want to win the big one you don't trade for a soon to be 33 player like Stafford or give up a kings ransom for Watson. You get there by nailing it in the draft
  15. I can never pull for Tampa but I can tip the cap at marveling what TB has been able to do
  16. Visions of RonRon are coming to me as I watch LaFail coach
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