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Everything posted by TheBigKat

  1. Vikings showing that this team is ‘The Carolina McCAffrey’s’
  2. That second round pick looking like a near end of the first round now for the Jets
  3. With the news of CMC, Rhule inherited a generational RB who will have missed 19/25 games an MVP QB that was completely busted before the age of 31 An all universe LB who lost the will to play because of such severe head trauma It also goes that our head athletic trainer during all this was competing with El Chappo on who has a bigger distribution channel Ron Rivera…. Nice man…. Terrible franchise decision
  4. I was like that with Cam…. You’ll eventually get to acceptance
  5. He’s taking a very Cam’esque route in his career. Injuries piling up after a mega payday
  6. Did this guy graduate from the Ronald McDonald Rivera school of accountability
  7. So the last good FA OT was was Andrew Whitworth who we passed to sign Matt Kalil?
  8. You shut your mouth, making me feel old
  9. imagine putting that poo on film and being called a "professional"
  10. For a VERY brief time we had the best interior line in the NFL
  11. If my aunt had balls she would be called my uncle
  12. "In 2011, Chudzinski was named the Carolina Panthers offensive coordinator. He took one of the league's worst offenses in 2010 and transformed it into one of the top 10 offenses in 2011 with rookie quarterback Cam Newton. The Panthers finished seventh overall in the league on offense, fifth in points scored, and set a new franchise record for total yards in a season." How much of this was Chud and how much of this was he had a young Cam to work with
  13. we can start another "I am sad" or "my gut says everything is going to be alright" threads
  14. We've had 26 seasons of Panthers Football and the following offensive coordinators: Joe Pendry Gil Haskell Bill Musgrave Richard Williamson Dan Henning Jeff Davidson Rob Chudzinski Mike Shula Norv Turner Joseph Brady Who would you rank as the best? For me, it is Mr. A punt is not a bad play, the original get off my lawn Dan Henning. Yes his 3rd and long draw plays made us go crazy but some of that was likely due to John Fox's conservatism but I feel under Henning this team was well balanced. He knew how to get guys open in Moose, Smith, he knew how to feed certain players when they were balling (Davis) and even knew how to work the 1-2 punch in Davis / Foster. He took a journeyman QB and put him in a position to succeed which the jury is still out on Brady. I also feel in retrospect he was probably the best game day caller we had as when we got Norv father time had caught up to him. Chud and Brady may have the best play designs but imo hands down if I was to go into a SB matchup and had to pick one of these guys as my OC, I would take Henning
  15. If you don’t like it, stop him from crossing into the endzone
  16. Reddick and Jackson will both be slated for big paydays.... It is not even a question in my mind that Reddick gets that money this offseason from CAR
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