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Everything posted by TheBigKat

  1. There’s a reason he was upset and wanted to secure his money. He knew how bad Darnold was
  2. He’s lost his team We have no QB and no OL He doesn’t seem like a stick around and fight kinda guy, I say he bolts for a good college program
  3. Darnold is done as a Panther. When you get benched in a 2 score game against the Giants, your career is done
  4. char·la·tan /ˈSHärlədən,ˈSHärlətn/ Learn to pronounce noun a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud. "a self-confessed con artist and charlatan"
  5. So this is the invigorated offense Rhule spoke of?
  6. He always stands to himself. Unfortunately I don’t think this young man cares about football
  7. So will the Jets and Jags getting high 2nd and 3rd round picks
  8. Cause NY is literally putting 9 in the box since we can’t pass beyond 7 yards
  9. I don’t care how bad it’ll look, I just want to fuggin win. We can’t lose 4 weeks in a row
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