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Everything posted by TheBigKat

  1. Honeymoon is over bruh… don’t even try pulling a new stadium pitch on us
  2. I’d say 3rd for Henderson. This young man has been a HEALTHY scratch and is basically going to be out of the league by the end of the season Darnold while proving to be likely our worst second rounder not named Everette Brown, he at least has a future in the Matt Leinart Clipboard Holding Academy as a backup QB
  3. I just ran into Me. Tepper, he wants you to have this
  4. But if you land a top 3 pick you can get a lot of those picks back
  5. You only have 1 pick in the first three rounds, might as well make the best of it
  6. There’s a reason they didn’t play him much in the preseason
  7. Not going to make the playoffs time to deploy TANK MODE every loss matters (Chargers getting Herbert) last years pointless wins cost us a top 3 pick Don’t fight it, let’s just go out there and lock up a top 5 pick
  8. It’s a good thing we ran Cam out of town and didn’t give him last season with Rhule to see what he has after getting healed
  9. 2 games. 2 picks can we send Henderson back to Jac and get our 3rd
  10. Great… Clete Manning-Blakeman is reffing today
  11. PJ walker appears to be starting darnold has a hat on
  12. how dare you use third level thinking.... Mike from Shelby wants us to believe that he is at a trout pond right now, he left for fishing
  13. The state income tax is an advantage but only for half the NFL season for FL players as they pay state income tax when they are on "away" games in the states they play in. That's why Toronto/Vancouver struggled so badly to get top talent in the past being in Canada, if you think US taxes are bad, go north a bit
  14. you're calling Stephen Davis, Ricky Parole and Mike one tendon left in his shoulder Wahle top flight FAs that we had to overpay for?
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