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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. This is literally every College football coach in the country. You realise this, right?
  2. I genuinely don't see what's wrong with any of that - a little College football, perhaps, but that's what's brought him tremendous success in his career so far. This is just clowns in the media piling on at this point. By the way a lot of those staffers that were mocking him will be fired in January too - they failed to do their jobs too.
  3. No, but you need more than one monotone chant.
  4. The second you start comparing yourselves to the Jaguars you've failed as a franchise.
  5. I don't want to talk - just go out there and continue to try and win football games. If we can't then so be it. Moving on from Mayfield should be our primary goal in the next few weeks, he's a black-hole of awful.
  6. That's the worry, isn't it? Rivera took play-calling duties off Wilks when he was the DC here and he flamed out in Arizona, but he has the brass balls to fire Snow, the only Co-ordinator in Charlotte actually succeeding? Makes me think he's an egomaniac.
  7. Sean Ryan is a fine QB Coach. Our error was putting him behind the worst OLine in the NFL.
  8. He'll undoubtedly go and have more success in College. His skillset didn't translate to the pros - I wouldn't call him a fraudulent hype man though. Not unless you think Nick Saban is the same.
  9. Honestly I don't want to recognise the team anymore. Whoever the new HC is next year has to completely revamp the culture of this organisation. The odd good season sprinkled into multiple losing ones is not good enough.
  10. Mayfield has been the worst QB we've put out there for some time - he's absolutely awful. Which is no surprise now he doesn't have a brick wall infront of him and Chubb and Hunt to hand the ball off to.
  11. I wanted Robinson to be good too after his XFL stint, but evidently he's clearly just not. I wouldn't have kept PJ Walker around, but QB is a sore subject around here.
  12. Nixon went to Iowa. Chandler and Franklin are fine depth / spot players - which is what they played.
  13. They're not actually bad players - people have focused way too much on the Temple / Baylor connection. Whitehead is the only one you can really argue was poor.
  14. The moronic thing for me was trading for a talented, but shellshocked QB and putting him behind the worst OLine in the NFL. Darnold behind our current OLine (with McCaffrey actually healthy) might have actually got us over the hump. Sadly he's ruined now.
  15. The roster is a damn sight better now than when he took over. It's disingenuous to say otherwise.
  16. Man with that kind of insight you should be in an NFL Front Office rather than posting on a message board. It was seen as a coup by everyone. It didn't work out - hindsight is always 20-20.
  17. Give over, we aren't the Raiders or Philly. This is a Charmin soft fan base, he'd happily stroll through the tailgate and come out the other end unscathed.
  18. I assume he'd fulfil the Rooney Rule requirement. There's no way he should get the job full time.
  19. Why even trade him at that point? You're essentially giving away your best player for free. Why? What's the thought process behind that?
  20. Sorry, was anything substantial shared in those tweets? I certainly don't think so. Let's hope the follow up tweets are more interesting.
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