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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. We don't have any bad players on high salaries (besides Anderson) so those trades don't help us - you're just trading away talented young players entering their primes for shits and giggles.
  2. They let him speak to the media so the inmates really are running the asylum.
  3. This is HIS shot to coach his home town Panthers - a team he purportedly loves. He literally has nothing to lose - go balls out. Even Rivera pulled out the Riverboat nonsense when he knew his job was on the line.
  4. I'm not asking him to fix it - I'm asking him to play to win. That sequence before half-time when he let the Rams bleed 1.30 off the clock whilst sat on 3 TOs. Criminal. Calling a time out on the Rams in the 4th Q down by 2 scores when on the previous drive you'd run a RB draw on 3rd and forever? Clown show.
  5. What did he do that you liked? Besides telling Anderson to get his dumb ass to the locker room when he was pounting on the sideline it's a short list.
  6. Nah, the Rams just said "Oh you're just going to give the ball to McCaffrey? Ok, we'll take that away, what else do you have?" The answer was "Nothing".
  7. At this point I just want someone to kill Stafford - fug the Rams and these refs.
  8. And neither throw has been within 10 yards of a Panther receiver. Put Eason in.
  9. Commentators were all "Dailey didn't back down". Yeah, cos Anderson weighs about 120lbs and is an utter bitch. Of course he's not scared of him.
  10. Technically he's the 4th QB on the roster... and McAdoo didn't choose to keep him around.
  11. Poor coaching by Wilks is you as me - have to throw the challenge flag there on the obviously shitty call.
  12. The NFL is so fixed - he wasn't even close to the first down marker there. These refs are shady af.
  13. He's the only guy tackling out there - tackled Powell in open space and was the guy to bring down Kupp when he was bulldozing through our team on that screen.
  14. Not like we can talk, but it's a very quiet stadium on tv.
  15. I never want to see Baker Mayfield in a Panthers uniform ever again.
  16. This isn't sustainable - every play has gone to McCaffrey.
  17. Yes please. They'd be moronic to let him walk.
  18. We're at least a .500 team with just a good QB.
  19. We softened them up for Atlanta.
  20. Then we have a serious problem as an organisation. Staffers that a) fail to deliver and b) clown the coach to the media need to be fired.
  21. Because the journalists covering this team are cowards, basically.
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