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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. Surely you kick the FG there!? You're trying out a kicker ffs.
  2. Gotta say, Smith is wrong. Our QB coach has got Darnold moving his feet. He's not 'unsettled'.
  3. It's why I chuckle at the "Oh you can't take a CB with #8 overall" crowd. It's a passing league. You drop bags for CBs and DLs on defence. Collapse that pocket and make plays on the ball in the air. Rhule gets it.
  4. And that attitude is pervasive. "Oh it's just another meaningless regular season game, I'll sell my tickets to visiting Cowboys / Washington / Packers fans".
  5. 25 years and this poo still happens. We don't deserve a franchise tbh.
  6. The best that we've ever had? Quite possibly - it's a very low bar. That said, it's clearly still Rhule's show. Fitterer is having fun doing all the admin though.
  7. Unless Jansen doesn't like money I can't understand why he'd want to retire. You can't touch the LS now and he has one job. I think it was more the Panthers exploring options to get younger and cheaper.
  8. Part of me hopes he doesn't play - just so the mopes have another two weeks of something to mope about.
  9. Seifert brought us Morgan, Jenkins and Smith. C'mon now.
  10. You need to quality this question. People are picking multi-year vets as their answer. The worst Panther player of all time is actually someone who was probably on the roster for a day one Training Camp.
  11. Why do people ALWAYS jump to race? This world is fuged. Identity politics are the worst.
  12. I mean the LSU team was loaded, but he got that offence singing. Just look at their numbers pre and post Brady.
  13. If you don't think he was the OC during LSU's National Championship winning season I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
  14. Newton .5 is Justin Fields - it's the only reason I can point to as to why so many on here are in love with him. He kinda reminds them of a watered down version of Newton.
  15. I genuinely don't see Fox or Rivera rebuilding two college programmes - one that was burnt down to the foundations. They're not that guy. They can take a poor team and make it mediocre (with the odd good season sprinkled in there). They're not programme builders - Rhule is. In both cases in college he was poached by a bigger organisation before he could truly reap the benefits of what he was sowing.
  16. Does THIS look like the work of a GM who rests on his laurels just because he's made a trade?! At the end of the day, Rhule, Brady and Fitterer believe in Darnold. They evidently think he's more (or at least equally) talented as Fields / Jones et al. If they're wrong, they're wrong, but it's not because they felt trapped because they traded away a 2nd round pick for a guy!
  17. You do understand how College football works, right? Actually, nevermind, you clearly don't.
  18. Don't be surprised if Jones has a significantly better career than Newton .5
  19. The thing with Brady is that he's only just going into his third year as an OC. As much as NFL Owners and GMs want him to be, he's not a savant like McVay. I've been pleased with Brady so far - he'll only get better too. As for the RedZone production - sadly that was due to our lack of weapons (and a QB afraid of slinging it). Things are much more difficult when you can't just hand it to / dump it off to McCaffrey and watch him beat two players. They've gone out in the offseason and acquired two big RedZone threats - Arnold and Marshall. Two big bodied, high-point catching weapons. We'll see if he struggles in that area this year.
  20. Can you change a strategy when it wasn't clear you had one to begin with? I've no idea what Rivera and Hurney were trying to build, besides "Luke, Cam, carry us please".
  21. There's a film with Marco Scutaro (A's legend) called A Player to Be Named Later. He went on to have a decent career and was an afterthought in a trade somewhere down the line. Fun times.
  22. You can't ban me for having a good sense of style.
  23. That's interesting cos I'm the opposite - I'd send him back if he stepped off the plane looking like that.
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