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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. You see it every now and again in College. Teams are geared up to stop Spread offences so they don't have the personnel to match up when a Boston College comes to town. In the NFL obviously those extremes aren't quite the same (mainly due to the insane athletes roaming the field), but I could see us lining up in 12 set and causing teams matchup problems. Worked with Shockey and Olsen (albeit they're both Pro Bowl TEs).
  2. That's what you get with bargain basement FA acquisitions. We tried to fill holes on the roster so we could Draft BPA. Same this year. Smith made Moore expendable - that's a huge positive. Perryman, and it pains me to say it as a huge Canes fan, was being a knobhead.
  3. I still want to see them play for 4 games before passing judgement. As for Jordan, who knows. He seems to have very quickly fallen out of favour - started pre-season as the starter. He's worth kicking the tyres on. I will say we're definitely leaning towards athleticism over size on the Oline. We're going to get bullied in short yardage situations.
  4. Laser focused but unable to put up back-to-back winnings seasons.
  5. I don't think you understand what the word 'significant' means. This isn't a Whale or Lucas FA signing.
  6. Wasn't he? Seems to me he turned two programmes around and turned them into 10+ game winners and was then poached by the Panthers - the Jets interviewed him the previous year and the Giants wanted to interview him too. He was very much on the rise as a HC and had a lot of success behind him. Saban's talent is having his mate as the head of the NCAA. He just cheats and stacks his rosters / coaching staff. You saw what he achieved with a level playing field in Miami.
  7. So where's the criticism coming from then? Our roster last year, pre-Draft, was horrendous. We relied heavily on Brown, Chinn, YGM and Roy. Pride played, but was in and out of the lineup. He's not a magician.
  8. I want him. Just because I'd do the Jordan Bulls intro every. fuging. game. I live for the memes. "Starting at LG, from THE Ohio State University.... Michael Joooooooooordan".
  9. There's a number of fans that have a huge downer on Rhule. Personally I think it's because he's the guy that cut their hero, but maybe I'm projecting... Winning 5 games last year with that roster (and I was livid we didn't win 6 - we should have beaten the Broncos) was an incredible achievement. People don't seem to appreciate how talent depleted our roster was (thanks Rivera and Hurney!). We're in the stage of building it back up now - and (early days) have crushed back-to-back Drafts to expedite that process - but it's not going to happen overnight. I think his attention to detail, focus on culture and teaching are all breaths of fresh air in this franchise. I genuinely see nothing but positives so far from Rhule - even the Bridgewater stuff is a positive. He listened to his mentor (Parcells) and his OC (Brady) and brought in a guy they recommended. Said guy was a mediocre starting NFL QB. That's not the standard Rhule is setting so he moved him on. As for who will be better, personally I think Rhule if he doesn't burn himself out trying to rebuild this franchise (he's a programme builder). I'm hopeful that this is the first organisation that he stays there long enough to reap the benefits of what he's sowed.
  10. Thomas is a weird one. They've talked him up all off-season. Everyone knows he's awful though - they MUST be trying to trade him, right?
  11. They don't need to share the practice field with you to film your practices.
  12. Today has been an absolute bloodbath for the Canes. Remember when College football was fun and Alabama didn't just buy all the talent? Yeah, me neither.
  13. We need that 7th round pick back.
  14. At the moment Nixon looks the part (i.e. he's a freak athlete for the position), but he needs to work on his technique. Too often he was getting...well I don't want to say stonewalled by the OL as he had disengaged and was looking to make a play on our side of the line of scrimmage, but he wasn't getting much penetration. We'd be stupid to cut him - let him rotate in and spend the rest of his time refining his game. I still think he's going to be a good player for us.
  15. I'm not sure you can take the risk. We're only carrying two QBs it seems, so you can't really have your primary backup be a guy that's got zero NFL experience. As a third string, development QB (which I ALWAYS think you should carry) he'd be ideal. Alas that's not in Rhule's plans this year.
  16. You simply can't sign Newton as a backup QB if you're the Panthers. It'd be a circus.
  17. No chance, they've got him inked in as a starting S.
  18. Jeez, enough with the awful Temple / Baylor jokes.
  19. Literally crushed back-to-back drafts, but
  20. Absolutely not. Fletcher is going to the PS if they can't trade him is my bet.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if we do pick up one of those QBs that have been cut - need to get them on the waiver wire first though before you cut both of your backup QBs.
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