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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. Hi, welcome aboard. He SCREAMS C. Screams it. Just look at his attributes: Pros - athletic, mobile, good technique, good combo blocker. Cons - small (gets overpowered on occasion). Just bench Paradis. Rip the band-aid off.
  2. poo, he went to Temple. How the hell did you miss this, Rhule?!?!
  3. I'd love to see them in action before criticising. We're clearly going for a highly mobile / athletic Oline, so it's never going to look good in short yardage, 'road grader' situations. They're just not built for that. At the end of the day, if you're being pedantic, we added two first round talents to the Oline in the offseason. Now they haven't panned out yet in the NFL, but obviously our HC / GM / OC / OL coach have seen something in them where they think "Yeah, I can work with that". They're still knocking around after 4+ years so they obviously have NFL talent. High Draft picks are never guarantees - just look at how bad Sewell looks at the moment (I'm sure he'll turn it around at some point, albeit I suspect it might be at OG) and he was a 'generational' talent. Give them 4 games to gel / potentially tweak the lineup. If the Oline is bad after that then we can grab the pitchforks. Also a 2TE look is a matchup nightmare if you have... y'know, 2 good TEs. Nobody knew what to do when we rolled Shockey and Olsen out there.
  4. I've no idea why they cut Yeboah, he's a monster athlete.
  5. Dismissed as 'coach speak' by the OP, this paragraph by our QB Coach literally answers your question. Fix his footwork and you fix his errant throws. He's not a bad decision maker, far from it, but his footwork put (hopefully past tense) him into bad situations. It's why I'm bullish on Darnold - the Jets coaching staff didn't even address it when it was (again hopefully past tense) his glaring flaw. Everything else about his game is what you want in an NFL QB : “Footwork relates to it in a progression-style passing game. When your feet are on time and you’re in rhythm, you can make quick decisions and you’re comfortable with doing it. Versus ‘Hey, my feet are moving. I’m not ready to throw when I should be ready to throw. Now, my timing is off and I’m doing things with the football that I shouldn’t be doing in normal progressions.'”
  6. Nah his footwork got him in trouble in NY. That and having a terrible OC.
  7. Part of the reason I never fell in love with Newton (pre or post Draft) was because his mechanics sucked. He got by on sheer talent. He improved as a player, but he never made that quantum leap that Rodgers expected him to (after he played against us when Newton was a rookie, Rodgers said he was glad that the Packers were playing us now rather than when Newton made the leap). It seems like Darnold is more coachable so far, but I agree the test will be when the pocket starts collapsing during the season.
  8. No team plays less talented players to improve their Draft position. Bridgewater is a steadier, more experienced, hand than Lock. Physically he has less upside, but he's also started at 4 franchises now. He's a safer bet than Lock (who half the fan base hates anyway). They're going to lean heavily on their defence to win games and just ask the offence not to turn the ball over.
  9. I almost certainly watch more College football than you. The question is about how open a player is. He ignored Marshall for Moore on the preseason play Smith highlighted because the DB was playing 8 yards off Marshall. He did end up beating the him deep, but pre-snap that was the right read. Brady's offence is about challenging teams vertically and horizontally. The emphasis is on moving the chains rather than trying to move the ball down the field on chunk plays.
  10. They're not going to fix his footwork in one off-season. It's a long term commitment. From what we saw last week his footwork has improved - that's all we can ask in three months. He's coachable and has a good QB coach for the first time.
  11. Thats literally the offence. I'd take Bridgewater's season last year with the ability / mentality to hit the shot plays when they're called.
  12. Like a lot of QBs he was projected. He's a height, weight, build, arm strength projection who had good success in College. The polished article rarely comes out of College. As for Famous J - he's a rapist, so no thank you.
  13. Yes, sadly I think he can be 'the guy' for the Saints. Despite being a rapist he's incredibly talented. Payton will get the most out of him.
  14. Herndon - 71 receptions, 796 yards, 7 TDs (he missed a year with injury) Thomas - 72 receptions, 614 yards, 4 TDs. So no, no he isn't. That's a very crafty trade by the Vikings.
  15. Yep, we don't have the Draft capital to make any more trades. Only trades I see happening are guys leaving - but we couldn't even get anything for Moore so I doubt that happens. This is the roster, bar the odd FA shuffle.
  16. I don't think Marshall was the issue with Moore. It's Smith coming in and taking his job that was the problem.
  17. I personally think Moore is a better player than Zylstra, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
  18. If guys look like they belong early they don't tend to regress. Brown and Chinn are going to be superstars. I'm less bullish on YGM. Obviously THIS rookie class has yet to see the field during the regular season, but their pre-season performances have been stellar. Again, they look better than a lot of seasoned vets we've brought in / played against. There's a lot of room for optimism.
  19. We haven't played a down yet, so you haven't been proven right either.
  20. Speaking of, did David Moore catch on with the Jets?
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