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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. "Oh, c'mon, ref, that's not a flag! The LB slipped on his blitz... no that wasn't a suplex, he was just trying to use Brady to regain his balance. Personal foul? Bullshit call! "
  2. I'd honestly just send someone on a blitz and eat the flag. Let him know he's in a game.
  3. We interviewed that guy. We sent our GM and multi-billionaire owner to the home of the guy we eventually hired.
  4. I'm getting Delhomme - Smith flashbacks. If in doubt just chuck it in Cooper's direction.
  5. To me it's like a good backup QB. You'd have to trade me so much to prize my 6th OLineman from me as a GM.
  6. I'd be interested in seeing a v. young Newton with our current QB Coach / OC combo. I'd have loved someone to design an offence around his skillset and clean up his mechanics. Not now though, he's washed.
  7. Now? He's currently out of the league. Newton lost his fastball about 4 years ago.
  8. Agree to disagree. He was another QB that knew what was coming 95% of the time. You sat back in zone, he took his time and dissected you. You blitzed, he knew exactly where it was coming from and threw the ball to his hot read. Unbelievable player - for some reason our fan base hates that he just methodically took what the defence offered him. I thought it was beautiful to watch - if frustrating when playing against him.
  9. Newton in his prime was a problem for everyone. Unfortunately it was a very short lived prime. My 7/8 score is based on his entire career with the Panthers - maybe Prescott is a 6/7 and Newton is a 7/8, but there's an overlap for sure imo. Prescott's supporting cast is stellar - I love our WR corps, but theirs is just as good.
  10. Say something positive about a Panther not named Walker. I dare you.
  11. I mean he's always been a cerebral QB. 95% of the time he knows what's coming and where all his guys are meant to be. He almost never has to move from his spot - he's just playing backyard pitch and catch. I'm actually surprised Brees fell off so quickly - I don't know if he had some arm / shoulder surgery? He certainly lost his fastball.
  12. He had a shoulder / lat injury during camp, no? On the back of his ankle break. Maybe he's lost his fastball?
  13. So I have a rating scale for QBs - 1-10. Prescott is similar to Newton - he's a 7 (borderline 8). A guy you can win a lot of games with, but he's never going to consistently push his team to the next level. He's also too good to easily move on from - you're kinda in limbo with the guy if you can't build the rest of the team around him. Tonight Prescott has struggled to get off his first read a lot - it's very limiting.
  14. As I keep on saying, in College you drop the biggest bags for QBs, DTs and CBs. It's a passing league, you have to have multiple CBs that can turn and run with 3/4 WR sets. Rhule / Fitterer get it - you can't hide behind soft zones and a good pass rush in the NFC South.
  15. The Antonio Brown addition for the Bucs was sick, even if he shouldn't be in the league.
  16. I mean Arians is 18-14 with the Bucs. They just got hot at the right time last year.
  17. For all the hype Prescott gets - he's an inaccurate deep ball thrower (at least tonight).
  18. "I didn't realise Stafford was a good player".
  19. Thompson is a guy I'd have let walk when his contract was up. NFL LB body, but he's always played second fiddle (third fiddle when TD was here) to someone. He was outshone early last year by Chinn (playing a Striker role) and late on by Carter (a 6th round pick). He's a really disappointing player for mine - crazy he's a team captain.
  20. I don't feel good about our LB corps at all, but I do love having Chinn at S. He'll be a nightmare to gameplan against there and he's a game breaker.
  21. Yep, very much a 'welcome to the NFL, rook' game for him so far.
  22. Dislocated elbow they reckon - so he's out for half the season.
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