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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. Explains why they demoted Michael Jordan. Doesn't explain why they're not trading for OLine help. Also - where does this leave all of our young CBs?
  2. Doesn't Darnold get hit as he's throwing the ball there?
  3. The new bosses have tried to put out the dumpster fire left by the old bosses. Unfortunately they couldn't fix everything in two offseasons.
  4. I'd rather keep Moton at the position he's best at. If you're going to experiment with Christensen in the starting lineup it should be at LT (assuming Erving is injured) or LG.
  5. He was clearly carrying 30lbs+ of additional fat.
  6. We have a better C on the roster, we just play him at LG for some reason.
  7. Evidently you can win with Darnold and he's still improving. You need to sit down with him and his agent and discuss a deal. If he wants a 'saviour of the franchise' type contract then you let him play out his 5th year option and start looking elsewhere. If he's willing to be reasonable - y'know, cos we saved his career - and takes a team friendly deal then you lock him up.
  8. The Panthers and Hurricanes writers for the Athletic leave A LOT to be desired.
  9. And thankfully none of that trio are still here due to the great purge. Absolutely nothing to do with us.
  10. Nah, fug this title. The correct one is: "Washington Football Team Head Trainer, Ryan Vermillion, subject of criminal investigation". They do this poo whenever someone with any sort of link to the Canes gets in trouble "Former Hurricane...."
  11. It's more important that my comment on a message board in May is proven correct than the Panthers find their Franchise QB and turn into a perennial playoff team. Why don't you understand this?
  12. If you're looking at the all-22 in real time I'll concede that point. Otherwise, like everyone else watching the game on tv, you've no idea what he's looking at.
  13. We've been noticeably worse without Elflein.
  14. Nah, Dallas were allowed to mug us all game. You don't go from #1 pass and rush D in the league to getting stonewalled without something nefarious going on. We're exhausted at this point.
  15. Jesus Christ Olsen's partner is insufferable. "Is there a case to make that the Cowboys went up too big, too early?!" fug. Off.
  16. He was only going one place with that ball with Moore lined up in the backfield.
  17. He's actually done something during an NFL game. You take that shade back.
  18. Bitter or he needs to start thinking of another post-career career. He's been awful today.
  19. Wtf is this animation with Darnold in the Batcave? Who thinks of this poo?! fuging awful.
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