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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. Cross is a better pass protector now, but Ekwonu has a higher upside if he takes on board the techniques he'll be taught by Campen. We're committed to running the football with this OLine. This won't be a finesse team.
  2. Beats the 20 threads about Watson, fighting for space with the 15 threads about Rhule and the 10 threads about Darnold.
  3. And then he ran into a HoF WR who could bail him out every down.
  4. If you think he's an NFL starting QB you take him in the 2nd round even if you've got Mahomes or Allen at QB. Quality starting NFL QBs are as rare as hens' teeth - you'd get your return for him in a trade down the line.
  5. Kiffin is a brilliant College OC. It's cause and effect for me. Did he install the (S)RPO because that's simply what Corral ran best and was most comfortable with? Or did he install it because that's all he could process? For what it's worth, Kiffin loves him, so I'm hoping it's the first one.
  6. I question his deep ball accuracy and his ability to process the field - Kiffin made things very simple for him with that (S)RPO offence. That said, for a third rounder it's a great pick. Sit him, let Ryan and McAdoo develop him and see what you've got later in the season. No need to rush him.
  7. Go check out the interviews on the Panthers YouTube channel. He's standoffish and awks with the local media, but very affable with Kristen Balboni - I assume she made him lower his guard before hitting record.
  8. OP: Our new OC recommended Corral Huddle: Fire Rhule! Rent. Free.
  9. And we didn't pull the trigger. Therefore, we didn't value him as a 2nd round pick.
  10. Well sure, but Brady has won 7 of the things, so that's taking a lot of them out of the equation.
  11. That mock is incredibly disrespectful to Big Dick Van Dyke.
  12. I'm off to shag Katherine Langford. I'm just waiting for her to return my call.
  13. Exactly. We didn't value him as a 2nd round prospect.
  14. Teams weren't playing chicken - they just didn't value anyone outside of Pickett as a 2nd round talent. It is what it is - we'll see how it plays out.
  15. Out of interest, what do you consider a 'franchise' QB? 'Cos to me there's only like 10 of those guys in the NFL. Everyone else you're looking to upgrade on. I'd just be happy with a good NFL QB at this point.
  16. Yep, allowing instant pressure in the A gap all season was absurd coddling.
  17. He has very long arms, which always knocks the total number down.
  18. Carson Strong must just not have a right knee.
  19. NVM, I thought you meant Derrick, not Deonte.
  20. Former 5 star recruit, apparently.
  21. I thought Hurney made that pick? Rhule wanted to trade down, apparently.
  22. I remember when he was being recruited there were stories that he was into substances harder than alcohol. Either way, it's a roll of the dice on a guy that has had success for two years in College and has the physical talent to play QB in the NFL.
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