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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. Why does Rhule scare you? He listened to Bill Parcells and Joe Brady and brought in Bridgewater (a former Pro Bowler, former 1st round pick) on a two year deal that didn't break the bank. I don't think Bridgewater has been near as bad as the groupthink makes him out to be, but clearly he's not the guy you build a team around. That said, I do think something has gone on behind the scenes and Rhule has soured on him somewhat. Haskins went to the Steelers - they seem to know what they're doing. As for Jones, I get Brady vibes from him. He won't be the pick at #8, but after Rhule's comments this week about him and Fitterer's comments last week about pick value I wouldn't be surprised if we trade down into the 20s and take him - acquiring additional picks along the way.
  2. If we're trading up to #2 / #3 overall for a QB, I'd rather just trade #8 for Stafford.
  3. I think the opposite. "Hi, we would like to discuss trading a first round pick for Matthew Stafford. Why yes, we did speak to the Houston Texans first about Deshaun Watson and they asked for our next three Drafts."
  4. Honestly, what traits does Tua have that Jones doesn't? Tua went what, #4 overall? I'm not advocating taking Jones btw, I'm just curious what evaluators saw in Tua that they don't see in Jones. They literally played in the same system, at the same school with the same players.
  5. Bieniemy has consistently failed to impress when interviewing for Head Coaching jobs. When you consider his paper thin resume, maybe he's just a shitty candidate?
  6. You have Lance in your avatar. Lawrence is by far the best QB in this Draft. Who do you hate out of Fields and Wilson?
  7. JT O'Sullivan shredded Newman on his YT channel 'QB School'. Well, as much as he shreds anyone - seems to want to keep on the good side of everyone.
  8. (I'm going to get poo'd for this) I think people are blinded by their hate for Bridgewater. I absolutely don't think we're tied to him - his manageable contract and comments by Fitterer / Tepper / Rhule suggest that - but he was ok last year. 3,700 yards (basically 4k combined), 20 TDs (combined), all without his best offensive weapon. He's not the future, but he does provide you with a security blanket so that you don't have to reach for a Mac Jones or a Kyle Trask if you trade down in the first round. I've no idea where those two are going by the way, but I also wouldn't be surprised if some team has a first round grade on them - I just don't see it myself.
  9. I've never understood people trying to predict the future. Mac Jones and Kyle Trask came from practically nowhere to borderline 1st round picks this year. Burrows came from literally nowhere to the #1 overall pick. You have to let these 18/19/20 year olds develop. Right now people are pushing Wilson and Lance based off one good year. It's the same every time.
  10. He said acquire a QB each year, which is the right thing to do. You should always carry three QBs imo. If the second guy isn't pushing the starter then he's on the bubble with the third guy (who should be a developmental prospect). As for the mental gymnastics around Stafford. They're getting a first round pick for him - if we want him it's going to cost #8 overall. Everyone talking about trading back / throwing their C into the mix. It ain't happening. This will be settled way before the Draft. I'd be v, v surprised if he's not a Colt.
  11. I think it's more that we're irrelevant when it comes to the national media.
  12. At the moment if you're not Alabama, Ohio St, Clemson (or LSU for one miracle year) you're not winning a National Championship.
  13. At this point the NFL's only hope is someone suplexing Mahomes onto his head and causing a permanent injury. Otherwise, buckle up for another poo eating dynasty.
  14. I mean I was banging the table for us to draft Mahomes. It is what it is.
  15. They sold out for a Superbowl. I'm v. frustrated that it's worked for them - it looked like it was a pipe dream for most of the year.
  16. You either want an NFL Head Coach job or you don't. There's only 32 of them.
  17. Oh poo I forgot about Indy and NE. Whelp, shelve those dreams of Stafford. He's going to a winning franchise.
  18. Matthew Stafford is a brilliant QB. He's a huge upgrade over what we have and he has 5 years left - easy. I think the broken ribs hit Brees hard this year, not Father Time.
  19. Drew Brees and Tom Brady are in their 40s. Rodgers is in his late 30s. It's a different NFL these days.
  20. Hi, we're the Carolina Panthers and boy are we desperate.
  21. Roche never played with Rousseau - GR opted out of the season. He played opposite Jaelen Phillips, a UCLA transfer, who's being talked about at the end of the 1st round, start of the 2nd round.
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