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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. Why are you all dead set on converting a very good CB in the prime of his career into a FS?
  2. Each to their own. He played well today - kept the offence on track (I lost count of first downs he earned with his legs, but he ran for 66 yards - he had at least 4) and limited the mistakes. If Moore and Tremble don't drop absolute dimes the final scoreline looks much healthier.
  3. I love how even after a win people are still turning this on the QB. They went run heavy because the iOL literally can't pass block. Go back, watch the game again and count the free rushers. Any sort of 'game' and our Oline just lets them run through untouched.
  4. A dirty horsecollar tackle.
  5. No, they were sticking with what was working. This Oline allows free rushers every other play. They've had to go away from the offence we were running because our iOL was getting our QB killed.
  6. No doubt Rhule took him to one side during the week and told him what he meant by "we're going to rely on the running game more". I got Jeff Davidson vibes today.
  7. He's been the best K/PR in the NFL since his rookie year - he's a ridiculous athlete and terrifying in space. Sadly he's also dumb af. The Falcons have just decided to use him as a RB - get the ball in his hands and let him go to work.
  8. Another big play by our non-pass rushing, god I wish we'd taken Simmons, Brown.
  9. No, the iOL isn't good enough. Simple as that - if anything I wish Christensen was starting at OG with Jordan.
  10. The bloke that has lost his job to Patterson? 'Cos he was costing us $3m a year and he's not very good.
  11. I swear to god half of your must have exes with restraining orders out against you.
  12. The same nonsense overreactions happen Monday through Saturday too on here.
  13. He's a 32 year old big man who's just had back surgery.
  14. The Dolphins are giving up 3 first round picks to move on from Tua. Let that sink in.
  15. There's a good article in The Athletic about it. I've paraphrased it, but basically the dude went off the rails. Was bringing his mistresses to practice, tried to shag a Booster's wife (who was also pregnant at the time) etc, etc. He's self destructed.
  16. If you believe the accounts coming out of LSU, Orgeron big boi'd it up after he won the National Championship. He's had substance abuse problems in the past - two weeks after winning the NC he divorced his wife of 20+ years, started drinking heavily again and tried to fug everything in sight.
  17. Good at pointing to the plays in the Sean Payton playbook he swiped during his time with the Saints. Bad at knowing when to call them.
  18. I guess I'm just struggling to overlook the horrific play calling. The Vikings DBs were running the routes for our receivers a few weeks ago - I don't get the All-22, but I'd bet that's a theme now. Look at how Garrett negated a poor Oline with screens and roll outs. Brady? Nah. McCaffrey is a mismatch player who makes everyone around him better, but Brady has to have a Plan B. He doesn't - he'll be gone soon I think.
  19. You can't fake a hamstring tear - they'll MRI it and monitor it constantly.
  20. No I agree, which is why I've called for Joe Brady to be fired. He isn't up to calling plays at this level. Garrett put on a master class yesterday. Brady called plays like he still eats crayons.
  21. Do you know why that pass was so poor? Because he didn't step into the throw. If he steps into that he probably hits Tremble in the back of the EndZone. Do you know why he didn't step into the throw? Because he's shook af playing behind this Oline. His mechanics are regressing again. It's time to move on because we've ruined him, but it's as much on Brady and the Oline as anyone else.
  22. Apologies, I didn't realise they were going to let him get obliterated behind this Oline. Those first three weeks were fun tho, huh? Y'know before the hits started to add up and he regressed back to the Jets version of Darnold.
  23. Aw man, don't be so hard on yourself.
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