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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. Tepper is worth $15bn. I'd be feeling myself too.
  2. Who's going to throw an INT first, Darnold or Newton?
  3. The "we're a young franchise" excuse died over a decade ago. At this point you just have to accept that it's a bad city for pro sports.
  4. You look at the extreme examples - Detroit, Cleveland, Oakland etc. Bad teams with rabid fan bases. A couple of bad seasons with this fan base and they're all selling PSLs and donning their 'second' team jerseys again.
  5. I wanted Ridder in the 2nd round last year - type of talent you take a bit of a flier on. Wouldn't like to spend a 1st rounder on him.
  6. We were talking about Zappe. Pickett doesn't have a tremendous arm either, but it's better than Zappe's.
  7. If you actually look at Brady's College career he was exceptional. They were just determined to play Drew Henson so they split time. Brady always moved the offence when he was in there.
  8. Herbert has one of the biggest arms in the last two decades. It's pretty easy to dismiss that comment off the bat. I watched his Bowl game and a compilation tape. I don't go out of my way to watch WKU.
  9. Don't waste your time. He feasted on mediocre talent. He's not got an NFL arm.
  10. He's not even the best QB in the ACC. It's a no from me, dawg. OLine or trade down...and then pick OLine.
  11. Good for him. For whatever reason he didn't buy into what we were doing here - refusing to get vaccinated and refusing to take the field with niggling injuries said as much. As a Cane I'll always love him, but he was hugely unprofessional in Spartanburg.
  12. If I was in charge I'd give him a year with an NFL quality OC and see what happens. I'm pretty much on my own here, but I see an inexperienced NFL HC who made a mistake with his OC hire (whether that was pushed on him as the hot name or not I don't know, but ultimately he carries the can for it) and is going to lose his job because of it. The defence is very good - not flawless, but very good - and the talent acquisition has been at the level it's needed to get to for years if he want to consistently compete for the Playoffs. In my eyes Rhule is being punished for the 2 losing seasons and terrible roster Rivera left us with. "4 losing seasons!" is a cry I see often - dude wasn't here for 2 of them. It was always going to take a while to turn this ship around, but to quote a former Panthers HC "it is what it is". This fan base has turned toxic and turned on Rhule. He won't survive the offseason.
  13. There's no 'better coaching' when you're literally grabbing Reddick and preventing him from making a negative play. That happened at least twice yesterday - as in blatantly, I wasn't even looking out for it.
  14. I'd love to have the 49ers O. It's hilarious watching modern defences get gashed by the run and have no idea how to stop it.
  15. Jimmy Johnson used to talk about how the officials were always out to screw the Canes so you just had to be good enough to take them out of the equation. Sadly the Panthers aren't good enough to take the, quite frankly awful, calls out of the equation and it has cost us games.
  16. Rhule is a CEO HC, rather than an X's and O's HC. He made a bad mistake at OC and he's continuing to pay for it. Sadly he's also being judged for Rivera's sins too - he inherited an awful team. Tepper might have to get rid of him because this fanbase has turned toxic af.
  17. He's lost 12 straight starts as the QB for the Panthers. He's washed. I'm sorry you can't see that. He's as much of a problem as any other player on the Offence.
  18. This is terrible coaching. Shows how much a QB hides the flaws of a coaching staff.
  19. Mahomes became mortal at 26 - you hate to see it.
  20. He made a bad hire at OC and has paid for it. The defence has been sensational. Winning 3 more games is appreciably superior - it's hard to win games in the NFL.
  21. They've won 2 games and look terrible, but whatever - this board has gone off the deep end.
  22. The name rings a bell - didn't he used to play RB for us?
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