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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. Well 20 somethings think Transformers started with Michael Bay and Megan Fox. What cute names do you have for them? PayTVCartoonFags?
  2. QTE didn't bother me in Shenmue, but in RE and Heavy Rain they were pretty bothersome
  3. I love Splinter Cell and Hitman games. Biggest gripe I have against MGS is the approximately 4,783,455 hours of cut scenes per game. Otherwise it's another favorite series of mine.
  4. bought a ps3 in 2006. Watched porn that day, just to see if I could
  5. well that is one strange fetish judgement free zone, tho
  6. unreal championship had it when XBL was originally launched Forza games have them Left for Dead has them last year MS claimed all Xboxone games will have dedicated server support, but I don't know if that had held up
  7. I don't play COD. I played Halo 2 as much as I could at the time - but did I play it "competitively"? lol let me put it this way - one thing PSC is right about on XBL is host advantage. I lived in Germany at the time and 90% of my gaming was done against folks here in the USA. Do you have any clue at all how much of a disadvantage that gave me? That 200-400ms+ of latency makes a bit of difference in "reflex" shooters
  8. My comment was in context with multiplayer. I only play single player games on the hardest difficulty. What Halo 2 got absolutely 100% right was matchmaking. Now it's been probably 9 years since I played it online, but I don't remember being able to use it's best feature, matchmaking, with anything but settings that were dumbed down for the masses. For the most part, I didn't play very much after the 1.1 patch. MLG settings wouldn't have mattered before that update as the BR's shot group wasnt very tight.
  9. If the game has to be played on certain settings to be enjoyable, maybe it wasn't so good.
  10. I thought it was the opposite: they strayed too far from what made CE fun. The whole reason I like H3 MP more is because of the Forge. I balanced out most of the maps in terms of "power weapons." I mean seriously, why would you even need a plasma rifle on Valhalla? On certain maps, I had versions were all the powerful weapons were in one spot - it kinda looked like the first few minutes of the hunger games. The power ups (bubble shields, etc) were absolutely ghey, so I mostly left them out. But when H3 came out, I was at the beginning of a 15.5 month tour in Iraq, so I played mostly LAN games. By the time I played it online, only the super nerd types were still playing.
  11. regarded by whom? Pretty sure I stated "I thought..." as in, my opinion because *I* was the one who felt H2 was incomplete and buggy. I prefer the Forge because many of H2's maps were completely unbalanced with weapons. Everyone made a mad dash to the energy sword at the beginning of each game. Better hope that someone on the same team didn't also grab the shotgun since it's basically the only close quarters weapon that gave you a chance. Being most maps had only one of each, or one or the other, the team who gets them first dominated. Don't worry about ammo with the weapons switch glitch.
  12. MP was good, for the most part. But once everyone learned glitches (a few places you could get out of the level with a sniper rifle and, you know, shoot fish in a barrel). I thought single player in CE was much better and MP in 3 and Reach were much better (mostly because of the Forge)
  13. Halo 2 was horrible imo. It was way too rushed and felt very incomplete... especially in the campaign that just abruptly ended.
  14. Mario, but couldn't bring myself to vote since fuging Pokemon is selected as well I would put GTA at number 2
  15. eat an apple before you go to bed. You will wake up a little earlier with some real hunger pangs.
  16. When I'm really into it and able to go first thing in the morning, I usually just have a dinner roll and/or oatmeal before going. When I get back, I've worked up a huge appetite and I really really believe in breakfast. It's my biggest meal of the day. And I rarely eat a healthy breakfast. Waffles, scrambled eggs or omelettes, sausage, bacon, maybe liver mush or liver pudding, grits, fruit, toast with nutella, and then maybe more oatmeal. I eat a banana between breakfast and lunch Lunch is usually leftovers... typically baked or grilled white meat, leafy veggies and usually rice or some kind of potato. When possible I eat another small serving of leftovers between lunch and dinner, but mostly it's more fruit. For dinner, this drives my wife nuts, I'll usually divide it into two portions. Half now, half in a few hours. I do that mostly for two reasons, because I like to do a little something - whether it's just walking with the kids or whatever, and to avoid late night munchies. Dinner is usually similar to lunch, but I won't eat more than one serving of red meat a day. I usually eat yogurt at some point in the day and an almond milk based smoothie.
  17. I never could do it, but I know many people who swear running after a night of drinking yields excellent results.
  18. It only took one screw-up for me to ALWAYS use collars
  19. I try to help out if I see they're trying. Everybody had to start somewhere
  20. like the biscuit said, form comes first. secondly is core strength. mitigate the looong stroke as much as possible with a solid core. have your body balance the weight while your limbs worry about the rep (which gets back to form...) But when it comes to power lifting, I'm not the guy to answer those questions. I did it when I was younger and I keep saying I'm going to get back into it, but I'm not ready. I can offer advice on increasing reps, which in theory would eventually increase your max. It's probably nothing you didn't already know, and it's a long slow process.
  21. Well 6'3 with a 6'8 wingspan... I bet you look funny in the gym. Seriously, benching 225 is decent with such a long wingspan. Are you trying to increase your max, or are you trying to increase the reps? You can certainly do both, but what is your goal? Your D/L is impressive. If squats hurt your knees, then your form is most likely off. There will be some pressure, but not enough to make you think knee injury. Curling... Well I've never really mastered curls - I get the whole body sway thing going. If you're talking preacher curls or wrist curls, 80 lbs is definitely respectable.
  22. Going as soon as wifey gets home to look after these kids
  23. I planned on going for a few hours this morning, but all I got in was a 20 minute run and a few minutes jumping rope. I walked into the weight room, saw too many people, left. Sidenote: spotted a female doing some type of dumbbell squats - first female I've seen in the weight room since I've been going. Enjoy the last few days until the January crowd takes over for a few weeks and disappears.
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