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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. Just keep the inflammation down to help it heal correctly. RICE it and maybe look into physical therapy to help strengthen your quads.
  2. Yoga shouldn't make you sore. It should hurt a little while doing it, but afterwards you should feel golden.
  3. if increasing muscle mass is your goal, then limit your weigh-ins to once a week. beat the psychological part of it now. strength and interval training is fairly easy to do concurrently if you don't have time to do a whole lot of pure cardio (and is arguably equally or more effective). fat at the lower belly is the last to go, so patience is a must.
  4. yes individual crossfit workouts are very good, but i feel everyone's hate on the crossfit culture. i think the logic behind kipping is simply to get something from the hips a la kettlebell swings
  5. man i've tried for years to get the cross over. not even close yet. love skipping rope though
  6. you're supposed to bounce it off a wall, you crossfit hating crossfitter
  7. no shame in yelling I just hate people grunting on every rep
  8. that's why I set up before super setting.... so it's obvious that I'm using the equipment and so that I can get through it quickly. gym etiquette is too hard for some people
  9. they don't have squat racks with bracket for the bar on the outside? or one that you can adjust, like this...
  10. I might be doing one in about two weeks. I missed early registration so I'm not sure if I'm doing it. If I do, I'll post my experiences.
  11. lol 120 kg split jerk = more than i can dead lift. you look about the right size for a turkish wife getup
  12. The tens will flop when dropped on the floor. but the way they bounce shows they are indeed bumper plates. they are made of ground tires. I've only seen 10 lbs. and up that size, in the normal increments: 10, 25, 35, 45. They are all the same diameter, but different thickness and density. We had a pair of 10 pound bumper plates in high school - they were bright orange and the same size as the 45 lb. plates.
  13. i did it once or twice it a long time ago. all i remember is that you do boxing jabs from a non-boxer stance so you go directly into power jumps.... then a bunch of suicide drills for the basketball portion. i want to say it was about an hour
  14. could do, or actually do? this is in addition to what we already do on our own. I do my normal workout at my normal time. then we do our triathalon seperate and with someone else for accountability purposes.... because none of us care what the others 'could' do
  15. I'm not spending a crazy amount on bikes. Look for them on craigslist around the end of college semesters.
  16. So to help motivate me to do some more cardio, a group of five friends and me are competing amongst ourselves to complete triathalons every so often. For now, we are trying to do it every month, but the plan is to eventually do one every ten days. run 26.2 miles bike 116 miles swim 2.4 miles (or something similar - i don't remember exact numbers)
  17. I've been super setting much more lately too, while being more consistent. I'm starting to crave gym time again. I've also started a little more power lifting instead of my usual thing. I've fallen pretty far off in some areas and still going strong in others. For example, I could only get 8 reps of 225 on decline while pushing out 12 reps of 385 no problem on squat (parallel not ATG)
  18. KB's catch was while being tripped up, on the way to the ground. Beautiful. Blanchard apparently is Pickle's marriage name.
  19. yeah I can do heights. I don't do vertical cliffs heights
  20. whey > soy I just got back from a little family trip. The condo's website said it had a gym. I couldn't find it. I went for a barefoot run on the beach. Now my hips feel crooked.
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