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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. I've started lifting during lunch so I can get in cardio at night.
  2. I was looking at their facebook videos https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=2970544415492&set=vb.248574306085&type=3&theater It seems that most people have the right form - not everyone, like the guy doing the overhead squats was close to ripping his left shoulder out. what i didn't like... people setting PRs on squat with no spotters. the coaches are an interesting lot: a former ranger sniper, a hockey player, a captain with the charlotte FD, and an exercise sports science dropout. it may be worth a try. ask if they have punch cards so you can pay per session to see how you like it before you pay more money than you should.
  3. What's the name of the crossfit gym? They're not all created equal. Some want to see you improve. But most just want your greenbacks.
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