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  1. There is no DC that would even field a top 25 defense with a starting 11 including players such as LaBryan Ray, Shy Tuttle, A'Shawn Robinson, Jacoby Windmon, Josey Jewell, Jordan Fuller. Evero was considered a top 5 DC before the season. Canales made the right call.
  2. Our number 1 receiver missed 7 games. The only other currently good WR hasn't played a lot either cause he was undrafted and had to gain his snaps. He has also missed the past 3 games... Don't evaluate stats that consider the full season. See the progression we've made instead.
  3. The first round pick has to be a defensive player. The biggest weakness of the team is the run-D. Draft DL.
  4. There is still two months of football... LMAO
  5. He's having his best game in his career. You're such a hater
  6. Most passing yards allowed on the season by the Denver Broncos D. Stop acting like the Broncos were not trying... Sean Payton drawing trick plays, going for it on 4th down while leading by 3 scores with 5mins left, keeping the starters on the field.
  7. Threw for 172 in the 2nd half to probably the worst receiving corp in the NFL this weekend
  8. Give him another chance. That was his best game this season. Starting Dalton is completely useless.
  9. Jaycee Horn might become a top 5 CB this year
  10. Walterfootball has a good track record regarding coaching hire and fire grades. We might have something in Dave Canales.
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