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Everything posted by TrevorLaurenceTime22

  1. Half of the huddle could be Nick Goings he was horrible.
  2. Cams not a starter anymore and he has too much pride to he a true backup.
  3. He is a horrible QB I don't wish that injury on anyone but I'll say as an everyday fan it's a little hard to feel too bad for him when he's collecting more this season on IR or cut than 99% of this board will have at 65 retiring.
  4. Yeah that's what we need a QB actually named Glass.
  5. You are pretty obsessed with depth.... is this a recurring conversation with your wife/gf/SO?
  6. Wtf would you hope for 5 wins that's moronic.... No playoffs and under six just hope for 1-2 and #1 overall.
  7. With posters like "Jared Fogel patterson" and "franksredhotballsack" you would think the score was 48-0 Bills right now and the Panthers have -450 yards of offense.
  8. Hmmmm offense is as good as its best player.... shocking why do you even watch? Chinnterception
  9. While I think this should have been day 1 don't be so knee jerk.
  10. Gross played RT his rookie year... But if you mean when he moved to the left yes.
  11. It was all candy with his gimmick pace offense he had.... NFL defenses figured it out quickly.
  12. My handle is my only handle... I have been banned before obviously, (overkill insults agaist chuck alts...) Now it wouldn't shock me in the least bit if Zod/Igo has been chuck/panthersunited ect all along.
  13. They both also spew the same emotional knee jerk over reactions and parrot one anther.
  14. Success this season is contingent on if he can... I haven't seen much but I'd rather pull for improvement than anther lost season... EDIT *If I ever see three fake punts in the same game again it should be an immediate firing*
  15. I strongly suspect that he or frankw are carolina-chuck... The most notorious crap poster in huddle history.... Come to think of it they are probably both Chuck.
  16. Gonna go out on a limb here and say it's the same system you use to post throw poo on a wall and see what sticks.
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