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Everything posted by TrevorLaurenceTime22

  1. It's the biased that is so agrivating. For example the Aho penalty was legitimate however less than 20 seconds prior there was an uncalled hook on crashville.
  2. Reminder a win is a backbreaker for Nashville an L isn't the end of the world though we still don't actually need a road win to win the series lol.
  3. They are letting Nashville play like it's 1985 grab and hold and grab and hold.
  4. And at least 5 of them were 4-4 penalties were theirs was far more egregious.
  5. They get to play grabass with our sticks all game but the very light incidental poo immediate call for assville
  6. It's been all series, none of these games would be close without it.
  7. Another hooking/tripping no call on Nashville followed by giving them a PP for the same thing.
  8. They are a far lower skilled team and actually less capable at being physical we have 30+ more hits they they do in the series.
  9. I don't think it would be as bad if they weren't letting Nashville get away with most of the same things... all series.
  10. THIS IS SHITE the NHL is trying so hard to get them in this series.
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