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  1. The huddle right now evaluating talent……
  2. Apparently we need to send our scouting dept packing. Talent evaluation in the draft is no bueno
  3. Fug marching on Mint street to protest this swamp donkey of a franchise. We need to pool our money and resources to hire a political type fixer to start piling up dirt on the Teppers. Gotta follow the Dan Synder playbook…..who Tepper is apparently emulating as an owner
  4. Totally a not serious thread that was meant to ease the level of suicide watch on the Huddle. Bryce walked into a dumpster fire of an organization so it’s not fair to throw him on the scrap heap yet. Very well could be a bust though. Who knows…only time will tell but one things for sure……Tepper is leading this franchise on a bullet train to Dan Synderville
  5. With some Dukes mayo on that joker I’d say you’d have a strong case sir
  6. With the season to date as a baseline, what would you take: Dobbs at the beginning of the season for a ham sammie Bryce for a haul of picks and DJ
  7. …..for Josh Dobbs. Could have saved bunch of picks and our best receiver…..but then again we would have still gotten Teppered eventually.
  8. This is the exact same line that ran all over everyone last year after Wilks took over. Franks scheme is garbage
  9. Bro. He is running for his life. The announcers just said that we pass more than any team in the league. WHY???!!! Our oline is the worst pass blocking oline in the league. Franks scheme is hot trash
  10. We are batting .048 on good at one time before the panthers acquired them in free agency vets
  11. I should have said that everyone gets fired at some point. Reich def couldn’t hold a clipboard for either of those guys
  12. Andy Reid was fired. Belichick was fired. Not a great argument
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