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Everything posted by TLGPanthersFan

  1. Why is it when someone has the first bit of criticism fans like you say switch teams. I have been a fan of the Hurricanes since 1998 so why would I change? Also what I am suggesting and what you said is not the same thing.
  2. Guess we’ll find our but after 6 years of the same crap I doubt it.
  3. Yay. We get to have more years where we dominate the season and go limp dick in the playoffs. Because Rod will never change anything. I am aware there is no one better out there than Rod I just don’t believe he can change. Guess we’ll find out.
  4. Carolina professional teams loves coaches that squander talent.
  5. I expect us to barely make or miss the playoffs. Window has closed for now.
  6. 3-1. 3-1 and we let them score 3 fuging goals in the 3rd period. Some fuging heads need to role.
  7. Feels like they are playing not to lose. Prevent defense in the final minute letting the team easily down the field to tie it.
  8. We had all the momentum and in 4 minutes Freddie screwed us. If this goes to overtime you all know what will happen.
  9. Don't remind me. Sad we can't keep everyone together forever.
  10. Carolina playing some CLEAN hockey. I don't know what was said to them before game 4 but whatever was said has awakened the Canes I expected to see against the Islanders. Cup contenders. Dominating.
  11. We may see a new goalie for games 7 if there is one.
  12. Credit was fine for one game now he is back to flopping about. C’mon man.
  13. Carolina Hurricanes are playing like the better team. Which they are.
  14. It’s just whenever I see people list of what a certain QB needs, like Darnold, to be successful I role my eyes. Because I immediately think, “Okay, say he does get that perfect, or close to perfect situation, will he start sucking again if we have a year where we don’t have all he needs?” I just think a first round QB can make anything work. Like Cam. Dude was making lemonade out of lemons since he first got here. I am willing to call 2023 a mulligan and hope Bryce improves greatly. But he will never have a perfect situation and is going to need to make something out of nothing. Like all franchise QBs do.
  15. So he needs a perfect situation. Which is pretty much what they said about Darnold.
  16. Payton Manning was also a prototypical QB and he still had moments that made you realize he is gonna be good. Bryce has zero last year.
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