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  1. I just don’t feel comfortable going into 2025 with the current WR room and wish Morgan would at least consider a WR at 8.
  2. I just wish Morgan hadn’t ignored the WR room. We are not taking a WR round 1 and I do not trust this team to find a diamond in the rough in later rounds.
  3. Yeah, it was pretty obvious it was just them trying to get eyes on there podcast/merch. Just using the FA period to post something cryptic so gullible fans will think something is gonna happen with the team. While I do believe that the Panthers were in contact with the Bengals. I believe that likely fell threw a while ago and nothing is happening now. That and it has been said before, the Bengals are notorious for wanting too much for trades. So either we draft a WR in the first or we are, once again, gonna have one of the weakest WR rooms in the NFL.
  4. That is the first thing I thought of. It is just a podcast trying to get more attention.
  5. If that is the case I bet the “big news” has to do with their podcast or community. Never heard of the podcast before. I am still bitter about Sheena saying,a few years ago, she has some big news and to listen to her podcast and the big news ending up being nothing. It was all a ploy to get people to listen to her podcast.
  6. Panthers getting a new beer sponsorship?
  7. I guess we are still trying to derive meaning from where there is none. Higgins probably just followed Horn to just follow him.
  8. Coker wasn’t even drafted.
  9. Shows how rare players like Derrick Henry are. I am sad for CMC. I think he could make a good slot receiver but everyone knows he will never go for that.
  10. Luckily, unless Bryce has a major breakout next season, we aren’t gonna have to make that choice until after his 5th year.
  11. Dude gonna return to throwing interceptions now that he is one a team that can’t protect themselves from his deficiencies.
  12. Wow. That is a mistake but it could be really, really funny.
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