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  1. Brady will always better than Mahomes. All of his SB losses his team was always in it.
  2. He looked pretty shaky during the Bills preseason game. Even needing a 4th down conversion against scrubs.
  3. Been seeing more and more drafts with us taking McMillian.
  4. I hate the Chiefs. Mahomes is a little bitch.
  5. Yes! A, not-boring, playoff game.
  6. Lions have paper thin defense destroyed by injuries. It was not as much a problem during the season, but playoffs it will bite you in the butt. I don't think they choked. I think they are playing a team that can exploit ALL of their current weaknesses.
  7. Lions defense is just too beat up. Nothing they can do. Unfortunate, but Washington making it to the NFC Championship is kinda cool since I was way too young to care the last time they made it.
  8. I am convinced the staff was not confident in Bryce and that was why they didn’t play him. They were right since our starters struggled again the Bills 3rd string.
  9. Curious to see how the summer slide affect Bryce and if he will begin the season as strong as he ended it. Also, play Bryce in the preseason. Him being protected last preseason was stupid.
  10. Seems to becoming to norm. Only good game was the Bucs vs Commies.
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