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Everything posted by Monrowed

  1. Verge as on here last night and said that it depends on the results. There is no need to close the thread when it will die on its own. Besides, whenever there is new information, someone will just open another one anyway. When that happens all of the same arguments will be brought up again.
  2. Has there been an update since yesterday? Last I read was that the Panthers were one of the teams that were still interested. If there was an update and it is stated that they are no longer interested, then I would agree.
  3. I think that some team will take a flyer on the young man. I believe that Deshaun does have some sort of pattern in his behavior where he has not been held accountable in the past. For this reason he is more aggressive than he should be and his behavior has gotten to the point where it is questionable to out of control. Without priors, then he may be given the benefit of a doubt by some team. There may be a dependency on going to rehab for sex addiction along with a ton of community service( Battered Women Shelter, and etc.) However I do not feel that this goes to trial as that maybe more than his reputation could recover from.
  4. Hey friend I think that you are confusing me with someone else... I only said that their feelings are hurt and I never used the words “cash grab”. Did I do something to hurt your feelings? What can I do to make you feel better?
  5. That is the request for a court decision. Settling out of court can be what ever amount where they reach an accord. The OOC amount does not need to be disclosed. This is going to cost DW millions unless he wants it to go to court and be found guilty in each of the civil matters. I don’t think that he wants to do that unless he is feeling righteous.
  6. It is a good strategy to validate the civil suits with a request for a grand jury. Whether he gets one or not is yet to be determined.
  7. I know once they get the evidence of the crime then it will be all over with.
  8. I am sure that their feelings were hurt. Apparently like yours are from time to time.
  9. Ahhh, there is a key word there that depending on if it was a word that Buzbee used that kind of lets us know what the end game is... ”suing” as in looking for cash settlements.
  10. @Verge how close was DW to being traded before this came out? A day? A week?
  11. I see that Buzbee is still talking. 22 women is such a high number and that alone gives me pause on any belief in the current story. I am more inclined to believe three or four, but twenty two? That is Tiger Woods territory there. The worst part is that from what has been said not one of them can actually prove it. That is crazy in of itself.
  12. I don’t think that anyone has an idea. I just do not like people saying that he is guilty when only one side of the story has been heard. Perhaps he never plays again, or perhaps he does, but at this point no one knows.
  13. I have a feeling that this doesn’t make it to court. I have a suspicion that these complaints may get settled outside of court for undisclosed amounts.
  14. I believe that the Panthers draft O-line and roll with Teddy B for one more year. I am not a fan of a Teddy but we do have him as a back up plan.
  15. With all things being equal, none of the teams can blink yet. Until there is clear direction, then no team can surrender whatever position they had prior to the report. If he is cleared of any criminal wrongdoing then which ever team hung in there the longest will come out ahead.
  16. Which would work to the benefit of the aforementioned teams. I would wager that each of them are waiting with baited breath and praying that criminal charges are never filed. Beside the optics of the whole situation this is an opportunity that they would not have expected.If one of these teams were to get him, then their biggest issue would be damage control in the way of public perception.
  17. That makes sense. I wouldn’t stop looking into a trade unless he is charged with a crime, or suspended for an extensive period of time.
  18. Here is the one report that I read and based my hypothesis on. https://www.si.com/nfl/2021/03/19/deshaun-Watson-sexual-misconduct-allegations-12-women Apparently, it was a team trainer and also his personal QB coach. That may count for two of the women. I based my hypothesis on these statements and just like those that have have belief of his guilt, I have no other evidence other than what has been said so far.
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