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Everything posted by SOJA

  1. fug I'm so excited for the season already
  2. Philly B (the huddler) is a real life Indiana Jones, so uh yea he is the man
  3. flo isn't the smartest cat https://twitter.com/DraytonFlorence/status/466707019937112064
  4. thanks for posting if greg hardy was "beating her ass the fug out" I'm pretty sure that chick would be dead I have no idea what to make of any of this
  5. I won't lie I can't understand most of that but at some point I hear him say "Don't let her go" that doesn't sound good also that 911 operator sounds like he is busy playing 2048
  6. btw inb4 parody thread of accelerated masturbation for hardy
  7. such a beautiful picture, but so very terrifying^^^ and to play by the rules:
  8. when I signed up for my new gym they offered me a free training session. so glad I didn't waste an hour of my time
  9. edit: just saw other thread deleting now
  10. this had me rolling with laughing 10/10 will read again
  11. as others have said, this is a huge trap game. Miami is not a bad team, and was in fact whooping the Pats early this year. Got to rattle Tanny and put up points.
  12. At least that terrible contract went to a really hard worker and even better person. You want true meltdown- see Haynesworth
  13. All I gotta say is yall mofos doubted me when I said we were winning this weekend.
  14. Fua is the biggest waste of space of all time. also we might be the most frustrating team to watch. ever.
  15. That's tough. I love both shows. They are in my opinion number 1 and 2 in the history of television. I can't quite put my finger on why, but I think Breaking Bad has an edge. Both are fantastic shows though. If you haven't seen one or either it's worth your time if you enjoy a good tv drama.
  16. The Bills are a fiesty team, but good teams are able to stomp out fiesty teams. See the Pats last week.
  17. anyone know what Smitty said to Smith on the sideline after the 2nd penalty ?
  18. I hope we can store Lester on practice squad
  19. I feel for you man, I recently hurt my thumb pretty bad- I'm pretty sure it's my trapezium or the "knuckle" of your thumb. Anyways it hurts for me to grip a glass of water with just my left hand much less grip a dumbbell. I feel like I'm getting weaker everyday (been about 3 weeks) I just want to get back in the gym doing my regular routine, right now when I go it's only cardio or things that don't involve grasping anything (which is unfortunately a LOT)
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