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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Throwing looks darn solid but it's a moot point... ...it is understood there will not be open competition in camp for the QB job -- right?
  2. How does this report/assessment dovetail with the expected breakout season for Sam Darnold at the QB position?
  3. Keep Howard and Terry.... ....let the rest of 'em fend for theme...
  4. The NFL negotiated & approved the assignment of "power" to Mrs. Snyder. It might be a "slap" to your personal sensibilities but clearly this was the will of the owners & Commish. Happy July 4th as we celebrate the 245th anniversary of the founding of the great United States of America where due process is a key tenet of the rights afforded every legal citizen of the country!!
  5. They very well could be the best and men certainly are not "automatically better"... ...but is sounds like you are suggesting a certain number of "trans" folks need to be hired no matter what -- a quota if you will. My apologies if I misinterpreted that.
  6. Are teams allowed to refuse this honor? Does any team really want to participate?
  7. Well the discussion did segue from the Redskins fine specifically to other areas of note, so... ...do you have an position/opinion you'd like state and discuss the merits thereof?
  8. At the expense of hiring the best person available?
  9. Have the folks in charge of your workplace been sanctioned yet?
  10. Reminiscent of when The Big Cat put the former cheerleader "in charge"...
  11. In the recent College World Series there were 4 players on the NC State squad who were both fully vaccinated and tested positive for COVID. This idea that "full immunization" is the panacea is a complete joke...
  12. How do we know this to be accurate? Where are teams disclosing this information?
  13. I was very surprised to see he's never made $1M in any season... ...I'd sure as hell take him over PJ or Grier.
  14. Basbear, I place the odds of him moving the team at exactly 0.00%. The chances that Richardson would have moved it were exactly the same but the CLT City Council caved to hollow threats and wrote him a big check. Tepper has the ultimate operating environment directly in hand presently -- it's insane how good the Panthers have it here. 1. Fan base that has no understanding of the sunk-cost concept and pays up for tickets year-in, year-out regardless of how lousy the product is. 2. A great economic/tax climate to operate in that is attractive to both him as an owner/operator and the players who play for the team. 3. A great stadium which he controls 100% -- answers to nobody in terms of stadium operations. 4. A terrific/moderate weather climate that lends itself to outdoor games -- I sincerely hope CLT never has a "dome". 5. No competition for corporate clients/sponsors -- Panthers are always the first consideration when companies allocate sports entertainment dollars and if there's money left over then maybe the Bobcats get thrown a bone. 6. A town that is attractive to the players and their families -- just look at all the retired guys who had no connection to the CLT before coming to play for the Panthers and choose to stay upon retirement. I could go on...
  15. Yes, I would like to see that. I've seen nothing that gives any details on Tepper's specific $dollar$ commitment to "developing" the old Eastland Mall site. That area is a wasteland, he's not going to plow a bunch of his own money into "developing" it...
  16. I'd be interested in seeing information on the specific amount of $money$ that Tepper has committed to the project -- could you provide said info? LOL...I wouldn't go to Carowinds if you paid me! (now and then I do go to the Cabelas next door for lures and ammo...never had a problem getting in an out)
  17. Agreed... ...the Appaloosa Model will deliver --- just be patient and let Tepper work his magic.
  18. Waze is an astoundingly accurate "judge of traffic". I despise "apps" and Waze is one of less than a handful I use and I use it regularly...you should try it. Carowinds is farther from Rock Hill than it is from the current Panthers Stadium...familiarize yourself with a map pal. PS...Knights games aren't on Sunday mornings
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