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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. I listened to the Vikings stream today and they said... ..."have you ever seen a squad drop more balls than these Panthers receivers"...? Lot to no expectations for Sam but from what I heard (listened to game) his ball-catchers dropped at least 10... #ClickBaitThreadTitle
  2. It's all about the benjamins... ...and he has massive bills to pay.
  3. The guy is unvaxx'd... ...that's a non-starter isn't it?
  4. Even if that is true, Rhule hasn't shown anything other than being better than Hurney yet. Fair point... ...just making sure folks realize who is large & in charge
  5. Rhule is the GM and makes the calls... ...Fitterer is in the intelligence & execution business.
  6. Not a single cop in sight... ...no surprise given the anti/defund-CMPD stance of the Charlotte City Council.
  7. You are aware the player's union --- publicly known as the National Football League Players Association --- collectively bargains and agrees to all the rules of when, why, how, and where the players play? The players are getting paid after all... ...ice up son.
  8. Sam's ball has knuckle-spin on it which is screwing up the receivers...
  9. This is an interesting question regardless of whether or not it is Thursday, Monday, or 9.30am (EST) in London on a Sunday. The NBA has had to legislate against stars taking time off and on a comparative basis given the relatively light workload I suspect the NFL will take a hard line on the issue... ...ice up son.
  10. As of 9/5/2021 the Dallas guard named Brandon Knight was not vaccinated (known because he had to serve a "close contact" suspension)... https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/09/05/zack-martin-tests-positive-for-covid-will-miss-season-opener/ It's become perfectly clear the time missed for covid++ players is the same regardless of vaxx status... ...that said, those who are pro-Knight you still want him if he's still un-vaxx'd?!?
  11. "these injuries" have literally taken his "ability" all the wayy from elite to complete-non-factor, and for what will likely be close to 2 seasons by the time he gets off IR... ...assumes he's able to get back up to speed anytime soon. Shelf life for running backs ain't too good...
  12. The Appaloosa Way dictates he will be held accountable sooner rather than later...
  13. It was a f'g broken bone and he played 151 of the next 160 regular season games... ...CMC is a big talent and a very likable guy and I only hope for the best for him... ...but he can't carry Smitty's jock and comparing the two is laughable, and illogical.
  14. Smitty played 14 games in 2006...played 16 the year before & 15 the year after... ...followed by 14, 15, 14, 16, 16, 15, 16. Adds up to 9 missed games in 10-seasons.
  15. Hold him out for the playoffs seems like the best option...
  16. Until full copies of all the emails are released we won't know what was really "said". Don't get me wrong, clearly there was enough smoke to get Gruden to resign..: ...but context and accuracy (or the truth) have never stood between the NY Times and a good story.
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